Swine flu Twelfth death in Berlin

Swine flu Twelfth death in Berlin / Health News

Swine flu: Twelfth death in Berlin. The Berlin Senate Department for Health, Environment and Consumer Protection has announced that on Tuesday a woman without known medical conditions in the capital of the swine flu or new flu has died. In this context, she pointed out the importance of vaccines and the more than abundant vaccine available.

(23.04.2010) The Berlin Senate Department for Health, Environment and Consumer Protection has announced that on Tuesday a woman without known illnesses in the capital has died of swine flu or new influenza. In this context, she pointed out the importance of vaccines and the more than abundant vaccine available.

The deceased woman was 44 years old and admitted to a Berlin clinic for suspected pneumonia. The delivery had already taken place at the beginning of April. Now the woman died of respiratory failure. This means that a total of 12 people have died of H1N1 in Berlin since the pandemic was announced at the beginning of June 2009, ie within a year or so. The first death in Berlin is said to have occurred in mid-June last year. With an estimated population of 3.4 million, this is a death rate of swine flu in Berlin of 0.00034 percent. For comparison: According to the official statistics of the city of Berlin in Berlin in 2009, 48 people died in traffic accidents. By suicide annually die in Berlin about 440 people. According to the 2008 Social Structure Atlas Berlin, around 6,900 people died before the age of 65 in the period from 2004 to 2006 in Berlin.

In total, 253 people in Germany have died of the H1N1 virus so far. In Berlin, the last death of the new flu was almost three months and the numbers of infected people fell sharply.
According to media reports, the states of Saxony and Brandenburg are sitting on about two million doses of vaccine, which they can not get rid of. First there was the idea that the other vaccines could be included in the seasonal flu vaccines, but the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) officially denied this possibility. Furthermore, negotiations for the resale of vaccines, e.g. to Pakistan, failed. (Thorsten Fischer, HP Osteopathy)

Also read:
Facts about the swine flu
Swine Flu: New Flu or New Influenza