Swine flu Two people died in Hesse

Swine flu Two people died in Hesse / Health News

Two people have died as a result of a swine flu. Majority of influenza patients became infected with the H1N1 virus.


In Hesse, two people have died as a result of a swine flu infection. The Hessian social minister Stefan Grüttner (CDU) explained that both cases of illness are this year would be known since Monday. The deceased patients were two elderly people over the age of 50 years. Both infected people also suffered from a chronic pre-existing illness. The Minister did not want to give more details.

Since the beginning of 2011, a total of 98 patients have been reported in Hesse who have been infected with a flu virus. In half of the cases a H1N1 infection was detected. The Social Affairs Minister called the population again for a flu vaccine. The current vaccine protects against two other influenza viruses and the swine flu. It must be expected that the flu epidemic has not yet reached its peak. In this context, Grüttner explained that especially people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, cardiovascular patients and people of older age are at risk. Here threaten severe cases of influenza. For the first time, health experts are calling on pregnant women to be vaccinated.

At the same time, the minister emphasized that employees in clinics, doctors' practices and schools are also exposed to a particular risk potential. Overall, everyone should take care of vaccinations that come in contact with people for professional reasons. There is currently more evidence that the risk of infection in schools is particularly high.

In fact, the predicted flu epidemic is relatively mild so far. This year, no more severe disease courses of influenza have become known than in previous years. In addition, so far all deceased patients suffered mostly from pre-existing conditions. (Sb)

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Picture credits: Gerd Altmann / Pixelio.de