Swine flu vaccination First recourse claims?

Swine flu vaccination First recourse claims? / Health News

Swine flu vaccination: First recourse claims for vaccine effects? According to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, 1377 people with adverse reactions to the swine flu virus H1 / N1 were recorded in the calendar weeks 44 to 53 in Germany. Those vaccinated as part of the swine flu are now applying for compensation payments to the Ministry of Health of North Rhine-Westphalia.

According to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, 1377 people with adverse reactions to the swine flu virus H1 / N1 were recorded in the calendar weeks 44 to 53 in Germany. Those vaccinated as part of the swine flu are now applying for compensation payments to the Ministry of Health of North Rhine-Westphalia.

According to the Ministry of Health, about 1 million have been vaccinated in North Rhine-Westphalia. Those with suspected adverse vaccine reactions are said to complain mainly of skin diseases, fever, headache, chills, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. At least four of them are said to have applied for compensation payments, as the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia had officially recommended vaccination against H1 / N1. Now the local association is checking with experts to see if any illnesses were caused by the vaccinations.

If the result is positive for those affected, then the state of North Rhine-Westphalia must pay and not the manufacturer of the remedy, since this is regulated by law in Section 60 of the German Infection Protection Act. This is about the cost of treating possible vaccine damage and possible pension entitlements.

This means that in addition to the criminal complaint and the complaint against the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on January 14, 2010 by the online magazine Life.Gen, because of personal injury, mistreatment of wards and violations of the Pharmaceutical Act now threaten further consequences in dealing with the swine flu.

Even the allegations against the World Health Organization WHO because of economic reasons regarding the declaration of a pandemic for H1 / N1 are not yet completely eliminated. Here, the work-up of the circumstances surrounding the swine flu seems to take place slowly and it is hoped that this will happen as thoroughly and transparently as possible. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 03.03.2010)

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