Swine flu New numbers, facts and questions

Swine flu New numbers, facts and questions / Health News

Facts about swine flu

Swine Flu - New numbers, facts and questions

As shown in another recent article here, it is useful in swine flu to look at the numbers quite soberly.

In Europe, about 495 million people now have 318 people died in connection with the virus A / H1N1. Of the world's population of approximately 6.8 billion people, 6135 were killed by the virus.
Currently everyone points to Ukraine. The current numbers (from 4.11.2009) with 200.000 sufferers with approximately 51,2 million inhabitants, are to be enjoyed however very with caution, since in the Ukraine there is election campaign and a dramatization of the situation by numbers and measures quite well for some politicians could. A few days ago, there were still 22 dead, now the number suddenly rose to over 90. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) was once covered and reported that they sent even in the affected areas and their own observers wanted to wait for their information.

Incomprehensible in this context, why then neighboring Poland has little problems with the swine flu or new flu. Minister Ewa Kopacz announced on Monday that there had not been a single death in connection with A / H1N1.

On the same day, the Deputy Minister of Health also informed the press that there were at least 22 deaths and 170 cases in intensive care units related to the new influenza. The Minister, according to Polskaweb, but also admitted that in this area already in the previous year, 245 people died of pneumonia.

It is also incomprehensible why some publications claim that Ukrainian workers working in the surrounding countries have brought the virus if the alleged countries of origin have little to no problem spreading the disease. In Germany, new deaths have surfaced, but they are not clearly attributable to the A / H1N1 infection, because it is only from the dead „in connection“ talked about swine flu.

First illnesses and deaths related to the vaccinations
Similarly vague are the statements about consequences of the controversial vaccination: From Sweden is to be read that 5 deaths are to bring in a temporal connection with the pig flu vaccine - according to Paul Ehrlicher Institute. Furthermore, it says on the website of the institute that 37 people had shown allergic reactions, of which 15 had been of a serious nature. And elsewhere, the institute writes that in 1976/77 there was already a vaccine against approximately 100 million people in the US against swine flu. The campaign had been stopped at that time, because the epidemic did not occur and there was probably an increase in the occurrence of Guillain-Barré syndrome. This is an acute inflammation of the nervous system and nerve roots, followed by a paralysis that rises to different levels. This is probably to be expected in the context of the current vaccination wave.

Weak in this context that on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health on its own page (www.neuegrippe.bund.de) for up to date information on „New flu“ is referenced. There you will also be referred only to the side of the Robert Koch Institute. But only to read there in a current situation as it currently exists, information from 30.10.2009, which were dated on the 2.11.2009. Leaving the education of the insecure population in such a highly problematic situation to the media from the state is more than negligent. (05.11.2009)