Swine flu pandemic officially ended

Swine flu pandemic officially ended / Health News

The swine flu pandemic is officially over and the pharmaceutical companies are richer.

(10.08.2010) The World Health Organization (WHO) has today officially closed the swine flu pandemic. This means that the flu virus H1N1 has been taken off the pandemic alert scale. The world wonders if there has ever been a pandemic of swine flu?

From the beginning, many physicians and scientists criticized the triggered mass hysteria in the swine flu. It was not until much later that the pharmaceutical industry made a strong contribution. Thus, the Council of Europe had already criticized the WHO for its alarmist at the beginning of the year. Now that the announced swine flu episode failed to materialize, WHO chief Chan ended the pandemic alert. "For the H1 / N1 virus is no longer the highest alert level six," said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan. The flu is now in the "final phase". Nevertheless, the authorities in the world should be "vigilant", according to the WHO boss.

The WHO boss had advised an expert panel of 15 external scientists on this step. Last summer, WHO ranked swine flu at 6th highest global pandemic. But the swine flu fell far less victims than the seasonal flu. According to WHO data, around 18,400 people worldwide died as a result of the swine flu. In Germany alone, around 20,000 people die of "normal flu" every year. There are probably hundreds of thousands around the world who are dying from the effects of a flu virus. But to declare a pandemic peak for a seasonal flu, the WHO would not dream of it. The WHO finally admits: The swine flu has gone altogether healthy. Nevertheless, Chan defended the highest warning level: "This time, we were simply lucky, and the virus did not mutate into a more deadly form during the pandemic."

Was WHO influenced by the pharmaceutical industry??
The question remains open as to whether WHO has been influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Because critics had accused the WHO that some of the authors who had participated in the WHO guidelines on dealing with influenza pandemics at the same time received compensation from the pharmaceutical companies "GlaxoSmithKline" and "Roche". But the WHO has repeatedly made such criticisms, even if these companies have earned many billions of vaccines.

The WHO special adviser Keiji Fukuda warned despite the persistent criticism before to play down the swine flu and thus the H1 / N1 virus. "You can say that the countries in the Northern Hemisphere feel it's over now, but there are many discussions in the Southern Hemisphere." All countries should continue to be on guard because the virus would still be there.

Only very few people in Germany were vaccinated.

Last year, the mass vaccination was started in Germany. But hardly anyone wanted to be injected with the vaccine Pandemrix. The criticism had become too loud, so that hardly more than 8 percent of the German population vaccinated. In addition, it was then known that Pandemrix includes an active ingredient enhancer. In contrast, the „drug amplifier“ not used in the vaccines for the Bundeswehr and government officials. Now, the federal states are still sitting on the already expensive bought vaccines. In addition, the drug should be included in the future in the normal flu vaccine with. All in all, one can say that the swine flu was mainly a virus in the coffers of the federal states and municipalities, but the funds of the pharmaceutical companies have been filled up. (Sb)

Also read:
Swine flu vaccines end up in the trash
Facts about the swine flu
Self-treatment flu & colds
Swine flu "mutations"