Swine Flu New Flu or New Influenza

Swine Flu New Flu or New Influenza / Health News

News on swine flu: new flu or new influenza

The panic over the swine flu has got worse again. It is important to keep a clear view and to highlight the facts. An example that is repeatedly cited is Mexico. Here, the swine flu has raged downright. Let's take a look at the numbers: Mexico has about 109 million inhabitants. 328 deaths have been reported since the first evidence of swine flu from April 2009.

By mid-October, 40,800 sufferers had been counted and Mexico's President Felipe Calderon announced that the death toll was currently down to 0.61%. In comparison: Germany has about 82.6 million inhabitants. There are six deaths so far. The Federal Ministry of Health reports currently in Germany about 30 000 sufferers. Worldwide, 6021 people have died of A / H1N1.

One wonders where the danger of the swine flu is, if one reads by experts such as the Berlin virologist Detlev H. Kruger: „On average, up to 20,000 people die from the "normal" annual flu in Germany every year.“ The Federal Ministry of Health is responding to this question on its website:

„What is the danger of the swine flu? Nowhere else in the world has the second wave started, which experts fear could be worse than we have seen so far. With more serious illnesses and more deaths. Just the fact that the swine flu has taken place in the spring / summer, at a time when we otherwise know no flu, gives cause for concern. If one were only to begin with preparations for countermeasures, if this second wave is already there, it would be too late for many.“

There is the question of whether the vaccinations protect us from this second wave and then whether the first wave, which is now experiencing its high, actually „harmless“ is ... .

As a background one has to say, that about 90% of the patients are under 65 years old. The age of most sufferers is, according to Seismoblog, between 15-59 years. But the risk of dying is probably highest among the over 65s. Approximately 30% of those with severe illness had previous illnesses of the lungs.

From this, experts such as the Robert Koch Institute conclude that older people may have had more contact with influenza viruses in their lives and thus less ill because their immune system is more capable of learning. That groups such as pregnant women, babies, immunocompromised, chronically ill, overweight, etc. faster and more seriously ill is understandable.

The virus expert Alexander Kekulé pointed out to MDR Info that the virus in rare cases infested deep lung areas and so could be difficult or even deadly in people without prior knowledge. Here, according to an article by Rob Stein of the Washington Post on CBS News and Telepolis, especially women are affected. Also, there are vaccines and vaccines with their potentiators, plenty of criticism, because of the side effects of the additives.

Alexander Kekulé argued that children under the age of six should not be vaccinated because of the side effects of the vaccines. The Swedish newspaper reported on this topic Expressen on October 21, 2009, that 190 Swedish nurses had reported to the National Board of Health because of severe disease symptoms after the swine flu vaccination. (02.11.2009)