Traditional medicine and naturopathy hand in hand

Film tip: conventional medicine and naturopathy hand in hand
This Wednesday, the First TV program is broadcasting the film "The Secret of Healing - How Old Knowledge Changes Medicine" at 12:30. The content is about the linkage of modern evidence-based medicine and the knowledge of ancient naturopathy. The film shows patient examples, interviews experts in traditional and modern medicine, and lets interdisciplinary representatives have their say.
Certainly, modern medicine is being pushed to its limits by persistent mass complaints such as back pain or depression, both diagnostically and therapeutically. The film could help to bring a meaningful complement of different views and methods for patients in the light of the public and thus make effective treatment and diagnostic options for many easier to access for the future.
The book for the film, which is a joint project by Knaurs Mens Sana and Das ERSTE, was written by book and film author Joachim Faulstich. Faulstich has already initiated other projects such as "The Inner Land" in the same field. Films in the field of border science or the combination of school and naturopathic medicine are his specialty. Faulhaber himself states that he has completed training in acoustically induced trance techniques. It will be interesting to see what the film brings. After the broadcast tonight, the film is also available for 25 euros (including shipping) at hr-online. On January 31 of the next year, he will air again at 3sat at 20:15. (tf, 15.12.2010)
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Picture: Karin Jung