Schullandheim children in the clinic

Children in school home complain of nausea and vomiting
Actually, the stay in Kronach school edge at the hammer mill should be a pleasant change to the school life for three Berlin school cash. However, on Thursday afternoon, fifth and sixth grade children complained of ailments such as headache, nausea and vomiting. In the course of the day, more and more students fell ill until around 9.30 pm the Kronacher District Office was informed. 76 pupils were taken to surrounding hospitals in Coburg, Bayreuth and Hof, others were treated in the school hostel.
Large-scale operation in Schullandheim due to 76 sick children
More than 100 men were involved in the large-scale deployment of the Bavarian Red Cross from Kronach, Kulmbach, Saalfeld, Hof, Lichtenfels and Wunsiedel and the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Coburg to care for the children and educators. Initially, the authorities suspected that the complaints could be due to the Noro virus. Meanwhile, this suspicion is excluded. „Although all have very pronounced symptoms, but hardly has a diarrhea“, explains Herbert Eisentraut of the district office Kronach opposite the „New press Coburg“. In addition to the medical care of patients, the cause researchers are now at the top of the priority list. Both the food consumed by the school classes and the samples of the vomit are currently being analyzed by the State Office for Health and Food Safety Erlangen.
„In consultation with the emergency physicians Matthias Weber and Dr. med. At eleven o'clock, Hubertus Franz decided to bring the healthy students to hospitals in the direction of Berlin“, reports iron dream. The children should stay overnight for safety. If no complaints occur, they can be picked up tomorrow by their parents. A police spokesman told the news agency „dpa“, that some of the children have already left the hospital. (Ag)