Schoolchildren Drinking a lot promotes concentration

In some federal states, the new school year has already begun. In order to get fit through the school day, students not only have to eat healthy but also have enough to drink. The brain needs fluid on a regular basis to stay fit. "For thirst quenching water from the line or mineral water is ideally suited," explains nutritionist Harald Seitz of the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE).

"If your child wants more flavor, unsweetened herbal and fruit teas are a good alternative, and juice spritzers are allowed in school satchels if mixed in a 1: 3 ratio."
Human blood is about 90 percent water. When it becomes more viscous due to dehydration, the transport of nutrients and oxygen into the brain is delayed. Already two percent fluid loss based on body weight make themselves felt. The consequences are headache, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Also the physical efficiency decreases. Seitz: "Smaller children are more likely to be affected, because their sense of thirst is not fully developed." Especially on hot days and during sports and swimming lessons, they should therefore be encouraged to drink.
It is important for parents to support their children and to ensure adequate hydration. According to the D-A-CH reference levels for nutrient intake, 7 to 10 year-olds should drink 970 ml per day, 1170 ml for 10- to 13-year-olds and 1330 ml per day for 13 to 15 year olds. The term "D-A-CH" stands for the three countries Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH), whose professional societies jointly publish these reference values.
For students it is ideal if they are allowed to drink not only during breaks but also during class. The initiative "Drinking in the classroom" is committed to regular drinking phases in the classroom - at the beginning of the lesson, during nursing phases or just before the break. Calorie-free drinks should be constantly available. Heike Kreutz, bzfe