Traditional medicine and naturopathy hand in hand

Case conference wants to discuss with doctors, nurses and relatives practice-oriented
According to the head of the Department of Naturopathy at the University of Rostock, Prof. dr. Karin Kraft, traditional medicine and complementary medical methods are well compatible. In the course of a fall conference on integrative medicine planned in September, the naturopathy expert wants to show how conventional therapies can be combined with natural remedies.
Integrative Medicine is the future
Traditional medicine and naturopathy are no longer a contradiction, but they should ideally be exercised jointly responsible. „Naturopathy, which is an important part of complementary medicine, has received increasing attention in recent years not only in the population“, the Rostock doctor and professor Karin Kraft is pleased. She has been head of the Department of Naturopathy at the University Medical Center Rostock for ten years. Karin Kraft is a specialist in internal medicine and has long been a certified specialist in natural healing. For the 60-year-old is certain: „The combination of conventional and complementary medical treatment such. For example, with natural remedies in the sense of Integrative Medicine belongs the future“. „Integrative medicine“ is currently called the formula that seems to reconcile international school and complementary physicians. „I have the impression that also in Germany more and more doctor colleagues of course naturopathy, the
has its roots in the German-speaking area, openly confronted ".
Professor Kraft now wants to publicly demonstrate that conventional medical and complementary medical methods are compatible with each other. On September 1, she will conduct a case conference on integrative medicine in palliative medicine in Rostock, to which interested citizens will also be invited from 9 am to 4 pm in the large lecture hall of the Center for Internal Medicine, Ernst-Heydemannstr. 6, are invited. „Specifically, it involves two cancer patients, in which conventional medicine and complementary medicine can be used in combination for the treatment of their symptoms. „We will discuss the various therapeutic approaches and identify possible interfaces or differences in order to enable the best possible treatment“, looks ahead Karin force.
Patients who are suffering from chronic pain and constant infections
With regard to this event, she says: „Natural remedies are largely applied physiology, i. normal body functions are stimulated or normalized with natural remedies such as exercise, healthy nutrition, relaxation procedures, cold water and many other methods. "Although surveys have repeatedly shown over 80 percent of the population that natural remedies are open-minded, natural remedies in Germany The former president of the German Medical Association, Professor Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe, has therefore more than ten years within the medical profession between representatives of conventional medicine and complementary forms of therapy with the founding of the „Dialogue Forum Pluralism“ launched a platform for mutual dialogue, including the event on 1 September. „Through Integrative Medicine, we want to make it easier for patients to treat complaints such as chronic pain or constant infections“, says Karin Kraft. In the future, it wants to contribute to ensuring that health policy is convinced of the value of integrative medicine.
Naturopathy increasingly recognized
She is pleased that the Rostock University Medical Center is responding to the current trend by advancing the development and application of complementary medical treatment in everyday clinical practice. „Naturopathy“, So Professor Kraft, „was often smiled at by colleagues. That the doubts about the effectiveness of many procedures are outdated, the current results of research on which a textbook is based, which she has published together with a colleague. The teaching of natural healing is also an integral part of medical studies in Rostock. „The medical students are very open-minded“, accounts for Prof. Kraft. In addition, she runs a university outpatient clinic for natural remedies under her direction at the hospital. „The need for naturopathic therapy has increased and the results of naturopathic research can be well implemented in clinical practice“, she notes and pleads for „the effective combination of naturopathic and conventional methods“. In addition to recommending naturopathic medicines and procedures, their ambulance is always about helping people to help themselves. „The patients must be actively involved in the healing process“, says Professor Kraft. (Pm)