Fast walking lowers thrombosis risk

Fast walking lowers thrombosis risk / Health News

Thrombosis risk is already reduced by little movement


The risk of thrombosis can be significantly reduced with half an hour of sport a day, the results of a new study. Researchers at Med Uni Graz, led by Gerhard Cvirn and Manfred Lamprecht, focused their research on the condition of severely overweight women. According to the Charité University Hospital Berlin, about 750,000 people in Germany contract thrombosis each year. The possible risk factors include smoking, overweight (obesity), cancer and intravenous drug use. Even pregnant women are among the risk group.

Thrombosis risk significantly reduced by training on the treadmill
In a thrombosis, a blood clot forms in a vessel of the body - often in the veins - as a result of which it can lead to congestion with fatal outcome. Thrombosis patients often succumb to pulmonary embolism. Mostly, there are several factors that cause thrombosis in combination. These can include both hereditary and external factors. The researchers found that the risk of thrombosis following exercise on the treadmill was significantly reduced and the body's ability to fibrinolyse increased.

„The ability of the blood to clot was significantly lower after exercise than it was before exercise. In addition, it has been shown that medium-intensive training significantly increases fibrinolysis, ie the body's ability to dissolve clots“, the researchers report. The scientists compared this effect with that of a blood-thinning drug.

Cvirn points out, however, that one should not exaggerate in the sporting activities. „Moderate exercise is best for this target group - obese women. Excessive physical stress can promote thrombosis“, cited „“ the experts. Endurance sports such as swimming, walking, cycling or hiking are ideal for stimulating blood flow in the leg veins. Balanced nutrition helps prevent overweight, which helps prevent thrombosis. At the same time, the joints are spared and the risk of hypertension and diabetes is reduced.

A Danish study from 2009 found that obesity is an independent risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE). The Danish researchers screened more than 56,000 middle-aged people for more than 10 years in this study, and found that the more obese subjects had the risk of thrombosis. Incidentally, this does not just apply to women. Men also increase the risk of thrombosis. (Fr)

Picture: Günter Havlena