Fast action in case of blood poisoning

Fast action in case of blood poisoning / Health News

Fast diagnosis: There is no time to lose in the case of blood poisoning


The third leading cause of death in Germany in the blood poisoning (sepsis). It is important to interpret the first signals correctly, because every third affected person dies of sepsis. Every year, up to 150,000 people get sick and about 60,000 do not survive the disease. We show what symptoms can indicate blood poisoning.

Not always it can be seen at first glance whether there is blood poisoning. The first symptoms of sepsis include confusion and mental changes. Because the brain is the first organ that is affected, explains Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Reinhart from the University Hospital Jena. Other signs of blood poisoning can be breathing problems and first signs of circulatory failure. Many patients also report flu-like symptoms such as fever, weakness and palpitations. In case of blood poisoning, the person feels fast seriously ill, with rapid deterioration in the general condition. A quick help is needed as the mortality rate increases every hour between seven and eight percent.

Red skin often absent
Most people assume that a sepsis is indicated by a red line running to the heart. Just that red line on the skin is rather rare. According to the physician, this only indicates that an inflammation process takes place in the lymphatics.

Numerous blood poisonings happen during a hospital treatment. An increased risk exists during an invasive procedure or through the life of catheters and breathing tubes. The nosocomial sepsis (Greek nosokomeion = hospital) designated septicemia represents the largest proportion of septic disease forms. Often there is a sepsis as a complication of pneumonia. Another risk factor is a weak immune system. Nevertheless, even in otherwise completely healthy people, blood poisoning can occur due to small cuts and burns.

Sepsis occurs when germs enter the organism through open wounds. This leads to an inflammatory process. If the wound is not cleaned or treated, bacteria can spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, infecting all organs. In this case, the oxygen supply of the affected organs can deteriorate severely. As a result, the body no longer manages to keep vital organs in motion. This can lead to a total cycle breakdown within just a few hours. The lungs, kidneys, liver and heart can all fail gradually.

Increased risk for the elderly and children
A special danger exists for older people over 60, infants and patients without spleen, reports the intensive care physician, who wants to investigate sepsis with a foundation in more detail. According to Reinhart, the risk could be reduced, for example by a vaccination against pneumococci. This could avoid tens of deaths. In addition, hygiene in health care needs to be improved. (Sb)

Also read:
High health risk due to blood poisoning
Pathogenic fungi common cause of blood poisoning
Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes

Picture credits: Gerd Altmann