Quick dehydration Always drink with sufficient heat

Quick dehydration Always drink with sufficient heat / Health News
Sufficient drinking protects against excessive fluid loss
Water is vital to the human body. If we absorb too little of it, the metabolism is disturbed and our physical and mental performance goes back. Even without exercise, we lose about two liters of fluid per day, and sweating can quickly make it even three liters. Accordingly, at hot temperatures sufficient drinking is particularly important to keep the fluid balance stable and the body healthy. In an interview with the "Rheinische Post" experts give tips on what is important when drinking properly and how to prevent a lack of fluids.

Body loses up to three liters of water on the dayG
The body of an adult human is 60-70% water. A balanced water balance is necessary so that all physical and mental functions can be maintained and we feel powerful. Sweating, breathing and excretions usually result in the loss of about 2 to 3 liters of water over the course of a day, which we have to balance with food and especially with drinks. If this does not happen, the body reacts quickly and signs of internal dehydration such as low blood pressure, fatigue, headache, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. Externally recognizable signs are e.g. dry mucous membranes, a cracked tongue and permanent skin folds after they have been lifted with thumb and forefinger.

Drinking water is especially important in warm weather to keep the body healthy. (Image: Ivan Kruk / fotolia.com)

Orientation on personal thirst
"To compensate for the fluid requirements, sufficient drinking is a must," emphasizes the nutrition expert Anja Krumbe in an interview with the "Rheinische Post". In terms of the right amount, however, the experts are divided. Some recommend a flat rate of two to three liters at high temperatures, others advise to orientate themselves to their own thirst. "The water requirement of a person depends very much on his or her individual situation", explains dr. Andreas Klamann continues. Since fluid is also absorbed through the food, it is sufficient for the head physician for internal medicine at the Helios Klinikum Borna in healthy people, just to drink the thirst accordingly.

Light urine means adequate care
According to the expert, the way to the toilet can also provide important clues. Thus, light urine means that enough fluid has been taken, while dark urine indicates a deficiency. In this case, something should be drunk in a timely manner. According to Anja Krumbe, mineral waters rich in sodium and magnesium are recommended for high temperatures because the body loses these minerals due to increased sweating. Even juice spritzers are in the right mixing ratio (one part juice to three parts water) well suited. On the other hand, alcohol should be avoided when it is very hot, as it leads to an increased excretion and thus to an increased fluid loss.

Children often forget about drinking
Especially the elderly are at an increased risk of dehydration. Because with increasing age the feeling of thirst decreases, whereby seniors often do not drink enough even at normal temperatures. In the heat they lose additional fluid through sweating, which is often expressed by symptoms such as concentration problems, nervousness or confusion.

Similarly, children are more vulnerable to summer temperatures, as they quickly forget their thirst for playing outdoors. Parents and educators in child care facilities should therefore always ensure that the little ones drink enough. According to the experts, this also applies to teachers - but drinking at school is often not allowed during lessons, even at high temperatures. A problematic circumstance, as too little fluid limits not only physical but also mental performance and can lead to long-term serious health problems.

Increased risk in people with heart problems
People with heart problems should, according to the experts, also keep a close eye on their daily intake. Because hot summer days can be a very heavy burden in this case and quickly lead to increased fatigue, exhaustion and concentration disorders or even muscle cramps and arrhythmia. Even patients who are not allowed to absorb as much fluid due to heart failure, should also drink a bit more in the heat, advises Prof. Thomas Wendt in an interview with the newspaper. If there are any uncertainties regarding the right amount, it is advisable to consult with the attending physician, according to the medical director of the Rehabilitation Center in Bad Nauheim and a member of the Advisory Council of the German Heart Foundation

After sport balance the water balance
If you want to do sports at high temperatures, you should also take care to always be sufficiently supplied with water to prevent the body from drying out (dehydration). Before the training, according to the internist dr. Ernst Jakob about half a liter makes sense, after completion recommends to compensate for the water balance a slightly larger amount. Here, too, mineral water or fruit water spritzers are well suited in the correct mixing ratio. (No)