Fast blood test allows identification of Parkinson's disease

Fast blood test allows identification of Parkinson's disease / Health News
A new test allows atypical Parkinson's cases to be detected more quickly
Parkinson's is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. Physicians have long been looking for ways and means to more quickly identify and treat this disease more effectively. Researchers have now discovered that a blood test can identify Parkinson's disease and the so-called atypical Parkinson's syndrome.

A team of scientists from Lund University and Skåne University Hospital in Malmo found in their study that with the help of a blood sample a certain form of Parkinson's can be detected quickly and effectively, even in the early stages of the disease. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Neurology".

Parkinson's leads to uncontrolled movement disorders and muscle tremors. Researchers have now developed a blood test that can reliably detect various forms of Parkinson's. (Image: rob3000 /

What is Parkinson's??
Parkinson's is a progressive neurological disorder. Those affected have slow movements as well as stiff and inflexible muscles. The sufferers also suffer from uncontrolled movement disorders and muscle tremors. For this reason, the disease is also often referred to as so-called shaking disease. The illness can lead to depression, anxiety, balance problems, a loss of the sense of smell and memory disorders.

How common is Parkinson's in Germany?
Parkinson's is a disease that affects older people in particular. In Germany alone, there are about 300,000 people with Parkinson's. Many sufferers fall ill between the 50th and 79th year of life. Overall, more men are affected by the disease than women.

Experts are developing a faster method for diagnosing Parkinson's
So far, the disease has been determined by a so-called spinal fluid test. The doctors have now developed a faster and easier method of detection. Through a simple blood test it is possible to diagnose the disease. A specific protein (Nfl) in the blood is a reliable marker for Parkinson's disease, explain the experts.

There is currently no cure for Parkinson's
Rapid detection of the disease is very important, although there is currently no cure for the disease. A rapid early detection can help to delay the symptoms of the disease as long as possible. It is generally believed that Parkinson's disease begins long before the first symptoms appear, the experts add.

Simple blood test at the doctor can bring clarity
Our findings are exciting, because if Parkinson's disease or a so-called atypical Parkinson's syndrome are suspected, in the future a simple blood test can give a more detailed explanation to a doctor, explains the author. Hansson.

Quick test leads to better basic care
The study provides evidence that the so-called Nfl levels in the blood differ between Parkinson's disease and atypical Parkinson's syndromes with high diagnostic accuracy, the researchers explain. This readily available biomarker of axonal degeneration can improve the diagnostic work-up of patients with Parkinson's symptoms in specialized clinics as well as in primary care, the experts add.

Atypical Parkinson's syndrome leads to death more frequently
Although atypical Parkinson's syndrome is rare, it progresses much faster. This form of the disease is also more likely to cause the death of those affected than the normal Parkinson's disease, explain the scientists. Therefore, early detection and best treatment is especially important for patients and their families. (As)