Snoring No bad breath in sleep by tongue pacemaker

Snoring No bad breath in sleep by tongue pacemaker / Health News

Tongue pacemaker helps against breathing in sleep

Up to 20 percent of adults over the age of 50 should have sleep apnea. It always comes back to dangerous breathing. For the first time a "tongue pacemaker" has been used against these, which stimulates the muscles of the tongue during sleep with current impulses.

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Irregular snoring may be an indication of so-called "sleep apnea". Studies suggest that up to 20 percent of adults over the age of 50 suffer from this respiratory disorder associated with dangerous respiratory failure. The syndrome can be life threatening. Because of the lack of oxygen is an increased risk of high blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke. A new procedure can help against breathing interruptions during sleep.

At the University Hospital Dusseldorf (UKD) a "tongue pacemaker" was first used in patients who suffer from breathing interruptions during sleep. (Image: JPC-PROD /

Tongue pacemaker against breathing in sleep

ENT experts at the University Hospital Düsseldorf (UKD) have for the first time used a "tongue pacemaker" in patients who suffer from breathing interruptions while sleeping.

"The pacemaker stimulates the muscles of the tongue with electrical impulses during sleep. In this way, the respiratory misfires can be prevented ", explains the senior physician of the Department of Otolaryngology, Dr. med. Christian Plettenberg, in a message.

According to the information, the new procedure can be used if the usual treatment with the breathing mask leads to no improvement or is not possible.

No relaxing deep sleep and dream phases

Background of sleep apnea: In sleep, relaxes the muscles through a relaxation of the muscles, as the elasticity of the tongue and throat muscles decreases. The result is breathing pauses with drops in the oxygen content in the blood.

"One consequence is that the affected patients do not achieve the relaxing deep sleep and dream phases. During the day they feel tired and unfocused. The risk for a stroke and a heart attack also increases, "Dr. Plettenberg.

If the problem lies at the level of the base of the tongue, the pacemaker can help, according to the ENT expert, who works closely with the sleep center at the Düsseldorf University Hospital.

Patient can turn on pacemaker remotely

The pacemaker is the size of a "standard" standard pacemaker and is inserted in the chest below the collarbone. A sensor transmits information about breathing.

An electrode under the tongue then releases a current pulse during the night when it is inhaled. This impulse then acts on the tongue muscles and thus ensures the necessary movement. The technical term is "hypoglossal stimulation", or simpler: basic tongue stimulation.

After insertion, the patient can turn the pacemaker off and on with a remote control. "You can also program a fall asleep, so that the device only starts after a certain time and does not bother falling asleep", explains Dr. med. Plettenberg.

The first interventions lasted two hours each. (Ad)