Snoring can permanently damage heart function

Snoring can permanently damage heart function / Health News

Harms snoring to the heart?

Researchers have now found that both snoring and so-called obstructive sleep apnea can lead to impaired cardiac function. Women seem to be particularly affected.

The researchers from the Radiological Society of North America found in their recent research that snoring and obstructive sleep apnea may affect cardiac function. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

Snoring not only affects the sleep of the partner, it can also affect the heart function of the affected person. (Image: Andrey Popov /

What is snoring?

Under snoring, the experts understand a sleep pattern in which a person breathes while making a snorting or moaning sound. The National Sleep Foundation suggests that about 90 million people snore in the United States alone. Snoring can become more and more dangerous for those affected and can even lead to heart disease.

What is sleep apnea?

There are several types of sleep apnea, the most common being referred to as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). At least 18 million US adults suffer from sleep apnea, according to researchers. This pattern affects the patterns of breathing during sleep, so that breathing stops and repeatedly starts from one person. About half of the people who snore loudly suffer from OSA. When obstructive sleep apnea occurs, the muscles in the throat affect the airflow, which is actually responsible for keeping the airway open.

Women are more affected

According to the results of the new study, which was recently presented at the annual meeting of the Chicago Radiological Society of North America, snoring and OSA in women may result in earlier impairment of cardiac function than in men. However, it remains unclear whether sleep apnea directly causes heart disease or not, say the doctors. Some experts believe that people with sleep apnea are at an increased risk for hypertension. Many people who suffer from sleep apnea, however, also show other diseases. This is one of the reasons why it is more difficult to establish a direct link between sleep apnea and heart disease.

Connection between OSA, hypertension and obesity?

A recent sleep study found that too little or too much sleep affects cognitive function. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), treatment for sleep apnea in some people with sleep apnea and high blood pressure also reduced blood pressure. Such findings indicate a possible association between hypertension and sleep apnea. OSA is also associated with obesity, a risk factor for heart disease. Obesity contributes to sleep apnea, and the sleep deprivation caused by sleep apnea can lead to further obesity in the long term. As a person gains more weight, the neck muscles that normally keep the airway open relax, and sleep apnea increases.

Where did the data from the study come from??

For their new study, the researchers analyzed the association of cardiac parameters with diagnosed OSA and self-reported snoring using data from the UK biobank. These data included 4,877 participants who had received a cardiac MRI scan. The scientists divided the subjects into three different groups: people with OSA, people with self-reported snoring and participants without these problems.

OSA is often not recognized

When comparing the snoring people with the group without sleep disturbances, the researchers discovered a striking difference in the so-called left ventricular mass in women compared to men. An increased left ventricular mass means that the heart has to work harder to meet the needs of the body. If this pattern occurs in people who snore, according to their own reports, this could indicate an undiagnosed OSA. The heart parameters of women are apparently more severely affected by OSA or snoring. The researchers also found that the number of diagnosed OSA cases in the study was extremely low, suggesting that OSA is under-diagnosed across the board.

Further research is needed

When people snore, they should encourage their partner to observe them and look for phases during sleep, when those affected stop breathing and then gasp for breath. If you are unsure, you can spend the night in a sleep laboratory, where breathing is constantly monitored during sleep and even minor changes can be recorded. The team looks forward to further research to fully understand the gender-specific differences associated with snoring and OSA. (As)