Pain in an empty stomach indicates gastritis

Pain in an empty stomach indicates gastritis / Health News

If the upper abdomen hurts with an empty stomach, gastritis may be present


If the stomach is empty and dull convulsions occur, gastritis may be present. Severe stomach pain is an indication of gastric mucosal disease. This reports Professor Ulrich Fölsch of the German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM) in Wiesbaden.

Pain in an empty stomach
"The so-called fasting pain is a classic indication of a disorder of the gastric mucosa," explains the physician Ulrich Fölsch. Healthy, however, feel only a dull feeling in the upper abdomen and possibly a little growl and tingling. The body gives the signal that no food has been supplied for hours. However, those who suddenly experience upper abdominal pain in the form of unpleasant and dull cramps when their stomach is empty should be medically examined. These signs indicate a gastritis (gastritis).

Milk drinks provide relief
Normally prevails „between the stomach acid and the stomach wall a peaceful coexistence“. The very strong stomach acid, which has a pH value of 1 and is therefore extremely acidic, is blocked by the natural gastric mucosal barrier and thus can not damage the sensitive stomach wall. However, there is a gastric mucosal disorder, „It can penetrate the stomach acid and cause inflammation. "First, sufferers notice the suffering when they have not eaten for a long time, „because after meals the stomach acid is first bound by the eaten foods“, explains the internist. A first pain relief can provide milk. Patients report pleasant relief of the symptoms after consuming milk.

Within a few days, the inflammation would disappear by itself. In some cases, the irritated gastric mucosa can not regenerate by itself. Therefore, sufferers should not permanently ignore the typical stomach ache, as acute gastritis can develop. This is then associated with acute abdominal pain and pain cramps. "Gastric bleeding or gastric ulcer may arise, which must be treated intensively," warns Fölsch

In upper abdominal pain to the family doctor or internist
At the first sign of upper abdominal pain patients should go to the family doctor. If there is only mild pain, short-term acid-inhibiting medicines can be prescribed. It is also advisable to have a light diet of low-acid foods. In addition, alcohol, coffee and nicotine should be avoided if possible. "For recurring complaints, it is important to find the causes of the disease." Often people feed wrongly and one-sidedly. In many cases it is also due to the consumption of stimulating stimulants. Pain killers can also be responsible for gastritis. These can cause lasting damage to the gastric mucosa. If patients regularly take medication, they should also check whether they are responsible for the symptoms.

Other symptoms of gastritis are dull and cramping stomach pains, nausea and a noticeable feeling of fullness. The medicine distinguishes between the acute and chronic gastritis. In the acute stomach discomfort is often an infection. Popularly, this type of gastritis also „Spoiled stomach“ called. Chronic gastritis is usually not noticed by patients at the beginning. It progresses slowly, but is much more dangerous, because the chronic form can develop gastric ulcers and even cancer. (Sb)

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