Bad anomaly born child with 15 fingers and 16 toes

Bad anomaly born child with 15 fingers and 16 toes / Health News
In China, a baby with 31 fingers and toes was born
In China, a baby was born with 15 fingers and 16 toes. The boy's parents are shocked and do not want their son to grow up with this extreme anomaly. However, an operation would be very costly and should take place soon.

Boy born with 31 fingers and toes
The parents of little Hong Hong were shocked when their son was born in China's southern province of Hunan three months ago: The baby was born with a total of 31 fingers and toes. The anomaly - called polydactyly - gave the boy 15 fingers and 16 toes. Polydactyly ("multiple-fingeredness") refers to an inheritable, inherited, anatomical peculiarity with regard to the number of hand and / or foot limbs. The US clinic "Children's Healthcare of Atlanta" writes on its website: "Usually only one hand or one foot is affected. The extra place can be anywhere on the hand or the foot. It is usually smaller and made of soft tissue, but some also have bones and joints and can be fully functional. "It can affect both humans and animals. In many cases, it only comes to a further, so a sixth finger. In the case of the Chinese baby, however, the anomaly is very pronounced.

The existence of more than five fingers on one hand is called polydactyly. In China, a boy was born with a total of 31 fingers and toes. (Image: annavee /

Mother of the baby has twelve fingers
According to a report by the British "Mirror", the mother of the boy also has polydactyly. She has twelve fingers and her toes are also affected. As the "star" reports, the father, Zou Chenglin, told the Chinese "People's Daily": "We were very worried that our child would inherit the disease." According to the information, however, several doctors had assured the baby completely would be born healthy. "We've been in three clinics, and none have birth defects in the unborn child," Chenglin said.

Operation is very expensive
Hong Hong's parents were shocked after his birth when they realized that he had apparently inherited the anomaly. They want their son to undergo surgery, but the procedure is complicated and expensive. In addition, there is not much time left: According to the doctors, the boy would have to undergo surgery between the sixth month and his first year of life, because the bones would otherwise be overgrown. The surgery would cost the equivalent of tens of thousands of euros. According to media reports, parents now want to try to raise money through donations. Only in this way could Hong Hong be allowed a normal life. (Ad)