Bad Even children want a beauty surgery

Bad Even children want a beauty surgery / Health News

Every seventh child wants a beauty operation


Flawless appearance is not only the wish of many adults. Beauty madness is already playing an increasingly important role in children. According to a survey, every seventh child between the ages of nine and four years would like an external change. TV shows, but also various glossy magazines, give the impression of getting ahead only with a stylized appearance in life. This sometimes leads to a number of children having precise ideas about what they want to change. Nationwide, 10,000 children between nine and 14 years were interviewed. Sucking off fat, removing pimples and nose corrections are high on the wish list, according to the result of the children's barometer published by the building society LBS on Thursday.

Little girls are already thinking about breast surgery
It is amazing that even with the small one, the wish for the ideal figure is at the top. And this is not about the correction of „jug ears“. 52 percent of the children who have ever thought of a beauty surgery, said they would like to suck fat. If one compares the treatment wishes with those of adults, similarities are hard to miss. The treatment of blemishes (31 percent), the correction of the nose (23 percent) or the breast (22 percent) follow on the other places. Some girls even play with the idea of ​​breast surgery before the breast is there. This shows; „The worse the children feel in the family, in the living environment, at school and in general, the sooner they become aware of a change in their body“, so the survey. For Friedhelm Güthoff of the German Child Protection Association, this development is to be regarded with great concern. „I advise parents against allowing their underage children plastic surgery“, said Güthoff. Much more help the young a stable self-confidence and the strengthening of the feeling „I'm okay the way I am“. Whether this trend is scary, everyone has to decide for themselves. (Fr)

Image: Dieter Schütz