Closure of the BKK for health professionals unavoidable

Closure of the BKK for health professionals unavoidable / Health News

Closure of the BKK for health professionals unavoidable


The health insurance BKK for health professionals is expected to close on January 1, 2012. According to the managing director of the BKK cash management board Heinz Kaltenbach is the affected health insurance „no longer viable“.

As part of the health care reform, the additional contributions were introduced. Since the beginning of the year, health insurance companies have been able to determine the amount of lump-sum contributions in contrast to the regular contribution rates themselves. According to the legislator, the statutory health insurance funds should balance financial difficulties if the allocations from the health fund are no longer sufficient. Exactly those additional contributions have maneuvered numerous funds in massive distress. Because only a minority of the funds raises an additional contribution. The result: Above all, young and income-strong health insured made use of their special right of termination and changed the provider. Due to the massive loss of members and the changed membership structure, the fewest additional health insurance funds were able to revise their financial problems. So did the BKK für Heilberufe, which insured a few years ago over 400,000 people. Of the former member base, only 80,000 insured remained. Among them were a disproportionate number of seriously ill, elderly and chronically ill patients, which cost more than contribution rates, allocations and additional contributions.

Cash register unavoidable in case of missing merger
The BKK für Heilberufe is very likely to suffer the same fate as the already closed City BKK. Since the introduction of the health fund, the second fund is about to be closed. A closure is unavoidable, commented the managing director of the Federal Association of health insurance companies Heinz Kaltenbach the situation of the BKK for health professionals. "The cash register is no longer viable in itself." The Federal Chairman called the possible closing date January 1, 2012. At the beginning of November, the Federal Insurance Office will decide on the future of the fund as the supreme treasurer. In the consultation process, the Board must explain what action is being taken to prevent bankruptcy and ensure liquidation. Experts say the only option is to form a merger with a solvent competitor. Previous discussions had failed again and again until today. Only the AOK Hamburg / Rheinland signaled the cautious willingness to hold talks. For this the BKK has to disclose all structural problems for health professions, as a speaker of the AOK emphasized. If the endangered health fund does not find an adequate fusion partner by then, the end is practically sealed. Then the remaining members have to look for a new health insurance.

Conditions such as the closure of City BKK should be avoided
The BKK CEO emphasized, „Conditions such as the closure of City BKK in the middle of the year should be avoided“. Above all, chronically ill and elderly people had great problems finding a new health insurance fund and, in spite of legal regulations, were often rejected by telephone. The reason: The coffers feared themselves to get into financial difficulties, if the membership structure would change unfavorably. From an economic point of view, it would be better for all insured in case of closure „to distribute on all other coffers“, so the BKK association chairman Kaltenbach.

Supplementary health insurance funds in distress
As long as there are no nationwide additional contributions, the coffers are in serious distress. On the one hand, they rely on the additional contributions to compensate for structural problems, and on the other, the members run away. Therefore, at the turn of the year, DAK and BKK Gesundheit want to join forces to form a joint health insurance fund to better assert themselves on the cash register market with a stronger number of members. Health insurance companies which are denied the merger path, have the disadvantage and get into the risk of bankruptcy. If the BKK for health professions closes, the approximately 150 employees lose their jobs. (Sb)

Read about:
Fusion between AOK and BKK for health professionals?
Imminent closure of the BKK for health professionals
BKK für Heilberufe: merger or insolvency?
BKK for health professions threatens bankruptcy
Member loss at the health insurance companies

Image: Gerd Altmann,