Schülerwünsche Schulmampf makes you want to make better food

Schülerwünsche Schulmampf makes you want to make better food / Health News
Student wishes - "school mum" should make you want to eat

About half of young people in Germany, according to a survey hardly value healthy and conscious food. But many a canteen or university canteen is not really inviting. In Lower Saxony you want to do something about it.

Desire for enjoyable food
A school canteen visit is probably rarely a culinary delight. The food tastes mediocre to many students. As reported by the dpa news agency, a study of nutritionists from Hamburg, which surveyed nearly 13,000 students, revealed that many in the cafeteria are too loud and uncomfortable. According to study director Ulrike Arens-Azevêdo, the wishes of the students are given too little consideration - as far as the dishes are concerned. The "school murmur" at the high school in Bassum in the circle Diepholz (Lower Saxony), on the other hand, should make you want to enjoy delicious food. Gerd Stötzel, retired district administrator, cooks the students there once a week. These can both help and try, but also turn the menu plan around.

Young people hardly value healthy eating
A survey commissioned by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) revealed a few years ago that almost 50 percent of young people in Germany hardly value healthy and conscious eating. Rather, speed of preparation and implementation are important. Nutritionists repeatedly point out the health risks of unhealthy eating. One way to bring healthy food to children and adolescents was the "Klasse, Kochen!" Competition, which involved over 160 schools nationwide. (ad): Carina Lauer /