Bad sequelae due to heartburn

Bad sequelae due to heartburn / Health News

Heartburn should be urgently checked for medical reasons due to imminent health risks


Heartburn is a widespread complaint that should be checked urgently by a physician if it is repeatedly or regularly occurring. For on the one hand, the heartburn or the regurgitation of stomach acid can damage the esophagus and cause the corresponding sequelae, on the other hand, the heartburn may even be evidence of an already existing disease.

According to information from the Red Cross Hospital (RKH) Kassel, every second adult in Germany suffers from corresponding complaints and „Every year, 6.4 million Germans take over-the-counter remedies for heartburn.“ Professor med. Christian Löser, chief physician of the medical clinic of the RKH explained that not only the heartburn or the so-called reflux require treatment, but „Rather, it is the sequelae that make heartburn so dangerous.“ Add to that, „that heartburn can also be a consequence of an already existing disease.“ Although occasional heartburn is usually not a cause for concern, with increased reflux, a doctor should be consulted.

Esophageal cancer as a threatening secondary disease
Heartburn or reflux manifests itself by a painful burning sensation in the esophagus.This „Several times a week, the acidic gastric juice permanently corrodes the delicate mucosa of the esophagus, which can lead to severe inflammation and even to esophageal cancer“, reports the RKH, which since 2012 at the Center for Visceral Medicine, among other things, all diseases caused by heartburn are treated. Relying on the figures of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the hospital reported that the number of people with esophageal cancer had doubled in the last 20 years. Of these, at least some cases are attributed to secondary effects of heartburn. Therefore it is „important that more attention be paid to this condition“, stressed Professor Löser. The patients would need to be sensitized and require professional medical care, the doctor continued. Too often heartburn is simply accepted by those affected, although often a serious illness behind it. Together with Professor dr. med. Rudolf Hesterberg, chief physician of the Department of General and Visceral Medicine at the RKH, leads Prof. Löser the first center for visceral medicine in Northern Hesse. „Our center addresses this health problem“, explained solver.

Self-therapy makes little sense and sometimes dangerous
The heartburn is caused by the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus, which can be caused for example by impairments of the sphincter between stomach and esophagus or by considerable gastric pressure. In addition to a painful burning sensation in the throat and throat area (see pharynx pain and sore throat), gastric regurgitation often causes an unpleasant halitosis. If necessary, teeth and gums are also affected. In the long term, due to the repeated contact with gastric juice, inflammation of the esophagus develops, which in turn can be accompanied by various other complaints. In addition to the inflammation threaten narrowing of the esophagus, ulceration and, at worst, diseases of esophageal cancer. Therefore, a specialist should be consulted for regular heartburn, explained Prof. Löser. Because in this case be „it is to be expected that the heartburn has either already caused worse disturbances or is the cause of an existing illness of which the patient knows nothing.“ Self-treatment by over-the-counter remedies without precise knowledge of the existing situation advises the expert urgently. This is „little sense and even dangerous“, stressed Löser.

Esophageal and gastroscopy clarify the cause
In the case of heartburn, a so-called endoscopic mirroring of the esophagus and stomach is usually performed on the doctor, which can be performed with a short-acting sedative injection completely symptom and symptom-free for the patient, said Professor Löser. Only when the doctor knows the individually present illness situation of the patient exactly, a therapy concept individually tailored to the needs of the patient can be developed. To relieve heartburn as a reflux symptom, there are today excellent and highly effective treatment options. In addition, patients can also help by changing the daily routine to significantly alleviate their reflux symptoms, reports the RKH in its current press release. For example, a waiver of nicotine and alcohol, a reduction of possibly existing excess weight and the intake of many small (more protein-rich) meals throughout the day recommended. Voluminous evening meals should be shunned, according to the hospital. There is also a link between lifestyle factors such as stress, lack of exercise, increased alcohol consumption or unhealthy diet, and the occurrence of heartburn. It is not uncommon for heartburn with acid regurgitation to occur during pregnancy.

Tips for avoiding heartburn
In its press release, the RKH also compiles some tips to avoid heartburn. According to this, coffee and alcohol should only be consumed in moderate amounts, smoking should generally be avoided, overweight should be reduced and stress avoided, or reduced by suitable methods of relaxation (for example, autogenic training or yoga). Sufferers should „Do not over-salt or over-eat, avoid sweet, high-acid and high-fat foods“ and „rather many smaller meals“, reports the RKH. The hospital advises against bulky late meals. „Lots of exercise and physical activity“ could, however, have a positive effect and, if appropriate, the possibilities of accompanying medication therapy should be reviewed. (Fp)