Red wine and chocolate, the new cancer killer?

Red wine and chocolate, the new cancer killer? / Health News

Red wine and dark chocolates are supposed to be veritable "cancer cell killer" according to a study

According to a study by the Angiogenesis Foundation, according to new research, red wine, chocolate, cranberries, garlic, soy and certain herbal teas are said to have the ability to actively combat cancer cells. At a Long Beach conference, scientist William W. Li, president and medical director, The Angiogenesis Foundation Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, said: "We value foods according to their ability to fight cancer" and "Our food is our three times daily chemo . "

Fruits and vegetables can contribute to the reduction of cancer risk, according to recent studies, especially the secondary plant substances are blamed, a group of chemically very different substances that give the fruits and vegetables their bright colors.

The Massachusetts Angiogenesis Foundation has identified foodstuffs whose chemical substances virtually cut off the blood supply to tumors. As an exemplary example, the scientist Li called a study by Harvard Medical School. In a test series male subjects had eaten several times a week cooked tomatoes. 30 to 50 percent of men then suffered less from prostate cancer.

Right now, a "medical revolution" is taking place, Li summarizes. "If we're right, it will have an impact on consumer education, food production, public health, and even insurance."

In a test series, US researchers compared the effects of approved medicines with natural foods such as parsley, grapes, berries, soy and other foods. The scientists found that the food was about as good at preventing cancer, or even better. Li goes one step further in his talk: "For many people, the only way to treat cancer is by nutrition, because not everyone can afford cancer medicine."

The conventional medicine gradually recognizes the effect and healing power of natural substances. Naturopathy has pointed to these relationships for decades. Now conventional medicine seems to convince itself in scientific studies of the forces of nature. (Sb, 11.02.2010)