Red wine lowers the heart attack risk

Red wine lowers the heart attack risk / Health News

German Heart Foundation: Red wine reduces the risk of infarction


Moderate drinking of red wine can reduce the risk of heart attacks. However, a positive effect can only be achieved if a low dose per day is not exceeded. Alcohol consumption is considered to be harmful to the cardiovascular system. According to the German Heart Foundation in Frankfurt am Main, moderate red wine consumption can protect against calcification of the blood vessels and even lower high cholesterol levels. The cardiologists refer to current scientific studies, which found an empirical relationship between red wine and a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Only small amounts are considered health promoting
„Not much helps“, because it depends on the daily dose. Some people think that a whole bottle of red wine a day protects them more from a heart attack. „That's not true in any case“, say doctors. Because the neurotoxic alcohol increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases in particular. But: A moderate consumption of at most one or two glasses of red wine can protect against limescale in the blood vessels. In minimal doses, the vine juice helps to prevent calcifications in the arteries, says Dr. med. med. Thomas Meinertz, heart specialist and CEO of the German Heart Foundation: "The antioxidants in the wine slow down the breakdown of nitric oxide in the blood." This effect less often leads to dangerous deposits that are responsible for a narrowing of the vessels. When the lanes are narrowed, many patients experience chest pain and heart pains, often heralding the onset of a heart attack. If the arteries are blocked, it leads to a life-threatening heart attack. Nearly half of those affected do not survive such a heart attack.

Red wine lowers bad cholesterol levels
The red wine can also positively alter the lipid levels in humans. Blood LDL cholesterol is also responsible for calcification of the arteries. Another effect: According to the medical profession, the alcohol dilutes the blood more than other substances. There is an increased blood flow after consumption, thereby becoming „The inner walls of the vessels are slowly dilated and more elastic, "explains the cardiologist, who also significantly reduces the risk of myocardial infarction.

Lower positive effects also with other drinks
While most of the studies examined the effects of red wine in particular, there is also evidence that moderate consumption of white wine and beer is also beneficial to health. However, in both drinks, the positive side effect is not quite as pronounced as in red wine. Beer and white wine contain a high proportion of flavonoids, which can inhibit inflammatory processes and thus also have a positive effect on the heart.

Study from France confirms valuable properties
The expert of the Heart Foundation refers to his research on research that has investigated the occurrence of infarction in northern and southern France. Scientists could see a huge difference between regions. In the south of France, people suffer significantly less heart disease than in the north, Meinertz reports. In Brittany and Normandy, on average, more high percentages are consumed. On the Mediterranean coast and in Provence, people usually drink more red wine than anywhere else. Despite the more greasy food, the wine, which is traditionally drunk mostly to eat, seems to produce a beneficial effect.

Guide values ​​should not be exceeded
The question remains about the crowd. According to the expert, for men, the maximum amount of 20 grams of alcohol per 24 hours applies. For comparison, this is equivalent to two small glasses of red wine. Due to the slightly different physical condition women should drink only 10 grams, that is a glass of red wine. For beer, the amount is according to popular opinion with 0.5 liters still appropriate, in women, the maximum amount is 0.25 liters per day. However, as the doctor emphasizes, these are only guideline values ​​that are not always valid for everyone. If alcohol is usually poorly tolerated, the indicated amount is already too much. Therefore, the motto is: "You do not have to drink red wine to stay healthy," as the heart doctor emphasized. Especially patients with kidney disease, diabetes and pregnant women should adhere to the strict alcohol ban. After all, alcohol is a neurotoxin that can cause serious harm to the organism.

The time for a glass of red wine should be right. It would be best, „Meinertz recommends drinking wine in the evening. This is relaxing and goes well with a healthy salad. For those who do not like red wine, non-medical practitioners also recommend taking red wine extract. These also contain valuable phytochemicals. (Sb)

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Picture: Anne Garti