Red cabbage also raw edible and very healthy

Red cabbage also raw edible and very healthy / Health News
Red cabbage as raw food: Superfood from local cultivation
Soft-boiled red cabbage as a side dish for hearty roasts and dumplings - that's justifiable. It is a pity that this image obscures the view that the healthy winter vegetables can do much more. After all, not least thanks to the Veggie wave find raw food dishes more and more supporters. The base salad is ready with salt and pepper, vinegar and oil. It is always varied with fruits and nuts.

That's why red cabbage is so healthy. Image: Printemps - fotolia

In the kitchen, the fresh cabbage with its weight of up to two kilograms seems initially bulky. He does not really work that much. Washing is not necessary, it is enough to remove the outer leaves. For shredding a large knife with serrated edge is best. And once the head is halved, it lies stably on the cut surface and can be easily cut or planed into any fine stripes. It's even faster with the food processor.

The red-blue juice leaves the kitchen work undesirable traces. It is therefore best to use an older board and maybe even rubber gloves. In the subsequent cleaning lemon juice is a proven helper. Eva Neumann, bzfe