Red oil The healthy palm oil

Red oil The healthy palm oil / Health News

Red palm oil

The healthy red palm oil from Africa and America
Red oil or palm oil is still relatively unknown in Germany. In health food stores, organic trade or delicatessen shops, palm oil is difficult to obtain. Who wants to buy it, it must order very likely. However, palm oil is said to have many beneficial properties in terms of health.

The palm oil is extracted from the tropical palm fruit. Oil palms are over 20 to 30 feet tall and grow mainly in Africa and America. The fruits must be obtained from the upper tips of the palms. The valuable oil is contained in the pulp. For industrial use, the oil is mostly used from the fruit kernel. On the African continent, the oil is used for the preparation of numerous dishes. In African natural medicine, the red oil is used for constipation, nausea and poisoning.

Valuable vitamins and anti-oxidants
The oil contains numerous anti-oxidants, the positive effect of which has also been scientifically proven. Anti-oxidants, for example, are considered radical scavengers and help the body in the defense against infection. In addition to the anti-oxidants, the cold-pressed red oil contains a lot of beta-carotene substances. The content is about 50 times higher than in tomatoes and ten times higher than in carrots. It also has natural vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In this form, the vitamin can inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors and is therefore used in the treatment of skin cancer and breast cancer. The oil should also provide protection against UV radiation and environmental toxins. A preventative effect is said to be the mild-tasting and creamy oil for cardiovascular diseases (e.g., myocardial infarction), stroke, macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. Evidence-based studies have also shown that the dangerous level of LDL cholesterol can be sustainably lowered by regular consumption. In addition, it was observed that the oil dissolves deposits in the arteries and thus prevents thrombosis and blood clots.

Difference red palm oil and palm kernel oil for baking
If you want to buy the oil in the trade, you should make sure to buy the right one. Because the red palm oil is often confused with the palm kernel oil. Although the palm kernel oil is not of lower quality, it has a much lower content of carotenoids, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Palm kernel oil is slightly cheaper than the red oil, as it was industrially produced on the one hand and used for baking and frying on the other hand. The red oil is, as the name implies, red to orange-red and can be used very well for enriching salads. On the bottle should be noted that it is cold pressed and comes from organic farming. Ask around her in her health food store around the corner. (sb, 28.11.2010)

Picture credits: Rosel Eckstein