Always boil raw milk to protect against infection

Always boil raw milk to protect against infection / Health News

Raw milk may contain bacteria and should therefore be boiled before consumption


Raw milk from the farm should always be boiled before it is consumed. This is indicated by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in a recent communication. According to the authorities, especially in the summer months during the holiday season, illnesses repeatedly occur due to the consumption of raw milk that has not been boiled. Raw milk may contain dangerous pathogens such as Campylobacter or Ehec. By vigorous heating, the germs are killed.

Pathogens in raw milk can make you sick
„Raw milk from the farm should always be boiled before consumption because it may be contaminated with pathogens such as Campylobacter or EHEC“, explains the President of the BfR, Professor Andreas Hensel. Pregnant women, children and elderly and sick people should not consume any raw milk or products made from it, according to the recommendation of the institute. Also on excursions from school classes to farms this should be considered.

According to the BfR, there are annual outbreaks of illness due to the consumption of raw milk on farms or holidays in rural areas. Most cases of Campylobacter infections are characterized by fever, diarrhea and pelvic pain. In rare cases, EHEC bacteria cause significantly more severe disease. Infants in particular are at an increased risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which can cause permanent kidney damage.

Do not consume raw milk without previous boiling
Campylobacter and EHEC bacteria occur among other things in the intestine of cattle and are eliminated with the feces. When milking, the germs can therefore enter the milk. Other pathogens such as Listeria, Salmonella and Q fever can also be found in raw milk. However, strong heating during boiling, UHP or pasteurization kills the germs.

In order to prevent infections through the consumption of raw milk, the release of this natural milk in Germany is prohibited. An exception is only for „Milk from the farm“. Farmers who „Milk from the farm“ sell, are required to comply with special hygiene regulations. In addition, at the delivery point of the note „Raw milk, boil before consumption“ be clearly visible. (Ag)

Picture credits: almotti