Raw milk protects against allergies and asthma

Raw milk protects against allergies and asthma / Health News

Proteins in raw milk protect against allergies and asthma


Researchers led by Prof. Erika von Mutius from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich have found during a study that active ingredients in raw milk protect children from chronic diseases such as asthma and allergy. Researchers believe that their work has come up against a promising protective mechanism.

Land children are less likely to suffer from allergies
Some studies have shown that children who grow up in rural areas generally develop a lower risk of allergies and asthma. According to researchers from the Munich allergologist Dr. med. Erika von Mutius told the nature magazine "GEO", specially prepared milk can protect against hay fever and co. Research has shown that the risk of asthma for children could even be significantly reduced by 40 to 50 percent if the ingredients were not destroyed during pasteurization.

Earlier, the researchers had found in a variety of farms in southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria, that children in rural areas suffer significantly less from allergic diseases, as compared to children in cities. Now the scientists suspect that, among other factors, the daily consumption of raw milk develops a protective effect. Children could be protected from hay fever, asthma and pollen allergy.

Germs in the raw milk hazardous to health
However, the consumption of unpasteurized milk is not safe. Untreated milk directly from the cow contains microbes and germs that can seriously affect your health. Raw milk is not heated and is completely untreated. Because bacteria cause serious infectious diseases, milk has undergone pasteurization since the 19th century before being sold. But because that very milk is heated up, many effective protective functions are lost. When pasteurizing not only kills the germs, but also destroyed many proteins.

Ironically, those lost proteins contain protective effects that promote immunization against lung disease and hay fever, as the scientists told the magazine "GEO". In order to achieve the protective effect nevertheless, the researchers want to work to modify the raw milk so that even after the elimination of the germs, the protein substances are retained.

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment pointed out that it is possible to bring home the milk-fresh milk at home. Prior to this, however, it must be ensured that the farmers' hygiene regulations were adhered to when producing milk by the farmer. When boiled, no valuable ingredients are reduced. Only the content of vitamin C diminishes something, so a spokesman. In the countryside many organic farms offer "directly from the farm". There consumers can also buy raw milk. But it could be that the proteins are already reduced by the normal heat effect, which is why the researchers are looking for alternatives. (Sb)

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