Rheumatism in children - a previously unknown grief

Rheumatism in children - a previously unknown grief / Health News
Rheumatism is considered a disease of old people. That's why parents are often surprised when they learn that their children are suffering. Rheumatic diseases in young people are also difficult to recognize. If the joints become inflamed, then the affected persons feel pain, the area swells, overheats and the movement is restricted.

Children often do not talk about joint pain (utah778 / fotolia.com)

First signs
The disease usually manifests itself in the fact that the corresponding joint of the children feels stiff in the morning; prolonged sitting hurts as well as getting up, and those affected take an attitude that protects the joint. Or they use their wrists to support their fingers.

behavioral changes
The sufferers lose the desire to make a physical effort; their physical services fall off; they have a fever; they suffer from inflammation of the skin and eyes.

Parental care
The parents are well advised to pay attention to the early symptoms, because the younger the children, the less they talk about it. Or they are so young that they can not even speak: child rheumatism occurs already at the age of 1.5 years.

What are the causes?
In rheumatism, the immune system reacts via. The body's defense now attacks its own tissue, for example the mucous membrane of the joints. Some people, children and adults have a genetic predisposition to rheumatic complaints - but in any case, overreactions of the innate and the acquired immune system play together.

When do you have to go to the doctor?
If the first symptoms appear, it usually takes two months for the family to visit the pediatric rheumatologist. But this is too late, because the earlier the treatment begins, the better the disease can be cured. But if the process drags on for years, those affected suffer from rheumatism as adults. Therefore: In case of joint pain early to the family doctor.

Early treatment will treat the disease well, but healing takes several months and relapses occur.

Learning movements again
Often a physiotherapy is announced. The children exercise by the fact that a wrong pattern of movement and have to learn to use the hands back to normal.

stunted growth
If the diagnosis comes late, then sometimes develop bone loss, malpositions and growth disorders. Muscular atrophy can also be the result of wrong posture.

The diagnosis
The pediatrician examines the body and determines how many and which joints are affected. A blood sample shows the extent of the inflammation, however, rheumatoid laboratory values ​​are less often elevated in children than in adults.

Ultrasound shows in the affected joints, how thickened the inner skin of the joint, in hard to reach joints helps the magnetic resonance imaging. X-rays are only used in advanced disease, because rheumatism in the early stages does not produce any visible changes on these images.

Psychic consequences
More than in adults, rheumatoid arthritis can put a psychological strain on children. The consequences include: fears of being unable to move; Fears of injections, medication and blood sampling.

Medications can cause side effects such as nausea and stomach problems, sometimes associated with a high sensitivity to odors and colors.

Some sufferers suffer from decreasing concentration; they are irritated or sad. They are afraid of therapy and have misconceptions about the disease. Her body changes and with it the self-concept.

They have to give up hobbies, and so have particularly sporting children a big problem. They lose acquaintances with whom they share physical employment.

They are bullied in school and kindergarten, and sometimes burst dreams of the future, for example, as a dancer or competitive athlete.

Older children are inhibited in their development because their illness makes them more dependent on their parents than it would be in their phase of life.

How common is children's rheumatism?
In Germany, around 40,000 children and young people suffer from rheumatic diseases, especially inflammation of the joints. That's about ten out of ten thousand. In about 8 out of 10 children, this inflammation heals itself and leaves no lasting damage. However, 10 to 20% of those affected develop a chronic disease - rheumatoid arthritis. This will probably affect 15,000 young people. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)