Rheumatism the most important questions

Rheumatism the most important questions / Health News


Rheumatism affects nearly 22 million people in Germany and Austria, making it one of the major common diseases. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, specialist in internal medicine and scientific director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen, answers important questions about rheumatic diseases and explains what people can do themselves against the disease:

What exactly is behind rheumatism??
„Under the umbrella term 'Diseases of the rheumatic type of disease', physicians summarize between 200 and 400 diseases, some of which are similar but often also very different in appearance. Common feature of all diseases are severe pain. Rheumatism basically affects people of all ages - including children.“

What symptoms indicate rheumatism?
„Since these are different diseases, the symptoms are often very different. In rheumatoid arthritis - the most common form of inflammatory rheumatism - the first signs are sometimes fatigue, loss of appetite or even a slight fever. Typically, swollen or reddened joints appear. Those affected often complain about a morning joint stiffness. The symptoms can be sudden, but also creeping. Typical of rheumatism are symmetrical localization of the symptoms, for example, both hands, shoulders, knee or ankle joints. As the disease progresses, joints become deformed, mobility decreases, and the patient is in severe pain.“

How is the disease recognized??
„In the initial stage, it is very difficult for a doctor to diagnose the disease. In many forms of rheumatism, blood tests can detect the so-called rheumatoid factor and other antibodies.“

How is treated?
„Most rheumatic diseases are considered to be incurable, although there are many modern drug therapies today, but these can also be associated with considerable side effects. Most are treated with a combination of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs medications. To keep affected joints flexible, regular physiotherapy is usually an important part of the treatment. In some patients, advanced disease surgery is inevitable in which destroyed joints are replaced with a prosthesis.“

Are there alternative treatment options?
„Yes, with rheumatism, cures in warm healing tunnels help very well. For example, in the Gasteiner Heilstollen, high temperatures and high humidity prevail - a climate in which aching muscles relax well. In addition, radon is released from the mountain rock in small quantities, which inhibits the activity of inflammatory cells and painkillers in rheumatoid arthritis. These effects of radon heat therapy persist for many months after a treatment cycle. Patients report persistent pain relief to the complete absence of symptoms and significantly lower drug requirements. This Radonwärmetherapie experiences especially in rheumatic diseases a great recognition.“

What can anyone do for rheumatism??
„Most rheumatism patients have more pain especially in wind and hypothermia in the affected joint regions. You should therefore keep the joints warm. In addition, movement counteracts rheumatic joint stiffening, it prevents muscle breakdown and strengthens the bones. Strong muscles in turn relieve stressed joints. Particularly suitable are joint-gentle sports such as swimming, aqua gymnastics, dancing, walking or functional training. Sport can also reduce inflammatory relapses, a study from the UK has recently confirmed. In addition, sufferers often help with relaxation exercises at home. Autogenic training, meditation, yoga or tai chi are particularly useful for regaining control of pain and relieving blockages in the muscles.“ (Pm)