Anger for studies microbes in the subway

Anger for studies microbes in the subway / Health News

Anger for study: microbes in New York subway


Multidrug-resistant bacteria, anthrax and pests: Researchers have found over 600 known microbial species in the New York subway. The authorities are warning, however, of alarmism. Even on bills many bacteria can be found.

New York authorities warn of scare tactics
Scientists have found more than 600 known microbe species in the New York subway. As the news agency dpa reports, the researchers discovered the Cornell University, among other viruses, bacteria and fungi. They also included pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to drugs and DNA traces of no longer infectious pest and anthrax pathogens (anthrax). In addition, the scientists were unable to assign hundreds of additional microbes to any existing living organism. The authorities in New York are now showing little amusement about the study. They warn against scare tactics. As reported, the paper is extremely flawed and misleading.

Thousands of bacterial species on bills
It was not until December that researchers from New York University (NYU) found a surprisingly high number of microbes on bills. The scientists were therefore in the so-called „Dirty Money Project“ Find that hundreds of different types of bacteria are passed on through money. The NYU researchers identified 3,000 types of bacteria when studying the genetic material on one-dollar notes. The pathogens on the bills can trigger various infectious diseases. The NYU called among other things stomach ulcers, pneumonia and food poisoning as possible consequences. (Ad)

Image: Sebastian Karkus