Non-prescription medicines by no means harmless

Non-prescription medicines by no means harmless / Health News

Over-the-counter medicines are by no means harmless to health.
Two out of three respondents, according to a study of the „Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach“ in the pharmacy, drugs without a prescription at their own expense. Thus, to relieve minor discomfort is often no doctor results. However, such self-medication is not without risk because „without prescription“ not with „harmless“ like the Vice President of the German Medical Association, Cornelia Goesmann, warns.

Painkillers purchased at 50 percent without a prescription
„If I feel sick and think that it is not so bad, I get medicines in the pharmacy“, Two thirds of the respondents in the Allensbach survey stated. The analgesic acetaminophen stands at the top among the drugs purchased without a prescription. In more than 50 percent of the cases, patients paid the drug out of their own pockets. But „Even common and popular medications such as acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage if overdosed“, explained Dr. Goessmann. In about every fifth case, serious problems arise, as did Dr. Martin Schulz, Chairman of the Drug Commission of Deutsche Apotheker, knows how to report. The expert pointed out that the regular high consumption of painkillers can even cause headaches. Therefore, patients should take painkillers for a maximum of ten days a month and never more than three days in a row, Dr. Schulz.

In addition to over-the-counter analgesics, preparations for colds are currently in great demand. And here too, every third person takes care of himself without a medical recommendation. Specialists like Dr. Goesmann, however, see this type of self-therapy extremely critical. For even a harmless initially running flu infection, according to the experts bring major health problems, which should be urgently treated by the doctor. For example, for pain in the forehead or eye area, purulent or bloody sputum, or painful coughing and breathing, an expert should be consulted. A fever that lasts longer than two to three days or increases to over 39 degrees with a slight increase in temperature must also be treated by the doctor. Goessmann.

Search risk and habituation
Dr. Goesmann and dr. Schulz warned against the risk of habituation to certain remedies within the scope of the self-determined dosage. The frequent or regular use of certain preparations can lead not only to serious side effects but also to drug dependencies. For example, decongestant nasal sprays or drops should not be used for more than a week at a time because they contain agents such as xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, tramazoline, or naphazoline, which narrow the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. With a lasting treatment of over a week, however, the opposite effect occurs. The mucous membrane swells even more and the nose seems permanently blocked. Many patients react with higher and higher doses in order to even achieve a noticeable effect and thus run the risk of addiction. In most cases, however, the side effects of prolonged drug use are far worse than the risk of addiction.

Even herbal products are not necessarily harmless
The Vice President of the German Medical Association stated: „Although prescription-free medicines are easy to get, they are not unproblematic“. And as well „purely vegetable“ declared active ingredients, can not be considered harmless in principle. This is how Dr. dr. Goesmann, that „St. John's wort products, for example, (...) can greatly alter the chemical action of other medicines and (...) in no case be taken without consultation with the doctor or pharmacist“ should. According to the expert, non-prescription laxatives on a plant basis, for example with senna leaves, should not be taken for longer than two weeks without medical supervision. Otherwise, chronic constipation may occur as the electrolyte balance shifts and much potassium is lost with the low-viscosity stool, causing paralysis of the intestinal musculature and congestion.

Critical: Increasing consumption of sleeping pills
The experts are also worried about the rising consumption of over-the-counter sleeping pills. These should be taken in any case only short-term, because the active ingredients diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate or doxylamine change the sleep pattern and make sleep less restful. As soon as sleep problems persist for more than one month, occur at least three times a week or interfere with personal life, it is urgently necessary to consult a specialist. Even if herbal supplements with valerian, hops or lemon balm be an almost side effect-free alternative, „Anyone who permanently suffers from sleep disorders should definitely go to the doctor, "Dr. Goessmann.

Risky interactions with other drugs
In addition to the side effects, the experts warned against the interactions of over-the-counter drugs with other drugs. For example, heart attack patients taking ASA must not use ibuprofen, as the effect of ASA on ibuprofen is abolished. In addition, special care should be taken when using over-the-counter medicines in children. Thus, only about 20 percent of all currently available drugs are approved under the Medicines Act for young patients, with the correct dosage is a particular problem. To date, drugs in children are mostly dosed according to empirical values, which are listed in so-called pediatric dose tables. Even doctors here have some significant problems, for the small patient to find the right dose. For example, parents who treat their children at home in self-therapy may face almost unsolvable problems when dosing numerous preparations. Therefore, the experts recommend in the self-medication of children to use only active ingredients that are explicitly identified as suitable for children and indicate appropriate dosage instructions in the leaflet. „A few decongesting nose drops or even a fever suppository can (quite) give relief to a child“ said the spokesman of the professional association of paediatricians, Dr. med. Ulrich Fegeler, however, added: „But it is important that they are given only once.“ The symptoms should not get better afterwards, „you need a doctor and no further medication“, stressed Fegeler. Painkillers are particularly critical for children due to the numerous side effects and they should generally get them only when the cause of pain is clarified.

Advice in pharmacies is gaining importance
According to the German Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA), the Germans pay around 70 euros on average per year out of their own pocket for medicines that they take without consulting a doctor. So many prefer to pay for their own costs instead of having to go to the doctor and the associated practice fee and waiting time. Especially for colds, the patients are willing to take some of the costs. In total, the self-financed sums represent one-sixth of the total per capita turnover for pharmaceuticals - and rising. Every sixth drug is therefore taken without prior medical examination. Thus, the consulting service in the pharmacy has a growing importance, not only in terms of advice on the individual products but also in terms of the meaningful treatment of existing diseases. So „The pharmacy team can provide important information on whether a doctor visit is necessary“ or not, explained the President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, Erika Fink. (fp, 18.10.2010)