Over-the-counter medicines for colds mostly not suitable for children

Over-the-counter medicines for colds mostly not suitable for children / Health News

Cold: Some over-the-counter medicines can have serious side effects

Some over-the-counter medicines, which are relatively harmless in adults, can often cause serious side effects in children. Especially if the offspring is younger than six years old, parents should be careful when giving them common cold remedies. Simple home remedies often work better anyway.

For colds do not immediately resort to medication

In autumn and winter, colds are widespread: especially children usually show a particular susceptibility to infections. If they then deal with complaints such as coughing and runny nose, parents should not immediately resort to medication. Because some of the over-the-counter supplements, which are relatively harmless in adults, can often cause serious side effects in the little ones. Home remedies for common cold are often better anyway.

In one study, it has been shown that some over-the-counter medicines for colds in children can have serious side effects. Parents should better treat their ill offspring with home remedies. (Image: Kaspars Grinvalds / fotolia.com)

Dangerous side effects in children

Parents who want to relieve the suffering of their chilled child should ideally avoid over-the-counter medicines for common cold.

And children under the age of six should not, in principle, be given decongestants such as decongestant nasal sprays, as there is no evidence that they are causing anything good.

This emerges from a report published in the journal "BMJ".

According to the "Health Day" portal, Dr. To De Sutter of the University of Ghent in Belgium that these nonprescription drugs do not effectively relieve symptoms such as a runny or stuffy nose, but have potentially dangerous side effects in children.

Certain decongestants "can have serious side effects like high blood pressure, arousal and cramping," De Sutter said.

Risks outweigh the benefits

Health experts in the US recommend that children under two years, in principle, no funds for cough or cold symptoms administered.

And in older children, they should be used with caution.

The American Academy of Pediatrics also opposes the use of non-prescription cough and cold medications in children under the age of four. Jeffrey Gerber from the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia.

"In general, adult risks and benefits are about the same at best. And for children, the risks outweigh the benefits, "says Gerber.

Some medicines should not be given to children

The common cold is usually caused by viruses and is usually over in seven to ten days.

Children get about six to eight colds a year, adults two to four.

According to the researchers, recent evidence from clinical trials shows that children's decongestants have little or no relief.

The authors concluded that decongestants or medicines containing antihistamines should not be given to children under the age of six years and should be used with caution in children between the ages of six and twelve.

"They may have interactions such as palpitations," said Gerber.

"Certain underlying conditions that you may not know about could be aggravated and cause cardiac arrhythmia. It does not happen that often, but there is a possibility. "

Home remedies for common cold

The study also found that the over-the-counter medications tested did not work much better in adults.

Saline nasal washes are the best way to clear blocked noses, researchers say. But they also point out that they do not work for everyone.

What basically helps with colds, is much to drink. Through an increased fluid intake, the stubborn mucus dissolves better and the secretions in the nose are diluted.

In addition, the body gets back through it more fluid that is lost through excessive sweating by the disease.

Experts advise to warm water or herbal teas, such as thyme or sage tea. These also work against annoying sore throat.

Ginger tea is also a popular home remedy for colds.

However, if the symptoms can not be controlled by such means, parents should go to the doctor with their child. (Ad)