Nutella recipe changed again Lighter color and higher sugar content

Nutella recipe changed again Lighter color and higher sugar content / Health News

New recipe: Nutella is now lighter and has a higher sugar content

For years, Nutella gets because of the high sugar and fat content again and again in the criticism. Now the manufacturer Ferrero has apparently changed the recipe of the popular nut nougat cream. The spread is now lighter and has a higher sugar content.

Manufacturer Ferrero has changed the recipe

Nutella was previously promoted with the slogan "naturally healthy", but according to experts, there could be no question of it. The world's most well-known nut nougat cream has already been described several times as hazardous to health because of its high content of sugar and fat. Now the manufacturer Ferrero has changed "for many years for the first time recognizably the recipe of Nutella", report the consumer center Hamburg (VZHH) on their Facebook page.

According to the Hamburg consumer center, the manufacturer Ferrero has for many years for the first time changed the formula of Nutella. The nut nougat cream is lighter and the sugar content is even higher. (Image: Samo Trebizan /

Ingredients of Nutella

"What's in Nutella? What about the proportion of hazelnuts, sugar, cocoa, palm oil and "the best of milk" in the overall ratio of the spread? ", Writes the consumer center Hamburg on its website.

The manufacturer Ferrero indicates on the glass of the product all the ingredients used, but not their ratio. Only with hazelnuts and skimmed milk powder is the quantity per glass to be found.

According to the consumer center reports, the proportion of skimmed milk powder has risen from 7.5 percent to 8.7 percent, according to the list of ingredients. The proportion of hazelnuts remained the same at 13 percent.

Spread is lighter now

"As the color of the new Nutellas is lighter, we assume that more milk powder was added at the expense of cocoa. Cocoa has slipped back in the ingredients list, "said the VZHH on Facebook.

The exact amount of cocoa does not have to be specified by the manufacturer. The Hamburg Consumer Center has also received no response from the producer.

"Too much transparency Ferrero obviously does not want to grant its customers," write the experts.

Increased sugar content

According to VZHH it remains unclear whether the contents of the other ingredients such as sugar or palm oil were changed.

The sugar content continues to increase according to the nutritional value table to 56.3 percent (previously 55.9 percent), but the fat content drops slightly to 30.9 percent (previously 31.8 percent).

"Nutella is therefore a sugar-fat cream," said the consumer center.

Because of unhealthy ingredients in the criticism

Sugar and palm oil were the main ingredients even before the recipe was changed. This is also reflected in the high calorie content. In a glass are or were contained 4520 kcal, as reported on the Instagram account "caloriebrands".

Above all, palm oil has increasingly been criticized in recent years as an unhealthy ingredient. According to scientific studies, the ingredient can be carcinogenic. The European Food Safety Authority also classifies palm oil as a potential carcinogen.

France's former Environment Minister Ségolène Royal even called for a boycott of Nutella in the past. "You have to stop eating Nutella," said the politician.

It should be noted, however, that Nutella is truly not the only nut nougat cream consisting mainly of fat and sugar. For products from other manufacturers it usually does not look better. The alternative: simply make the breakfast spread yourself. (Ad)