Recall of Camembert nationwide because of salmonella

Recall of Camembert nationwide because of salmonella / Health News

Importer recalls Camembert from France for bacteria


The consumer ministry warns of salmonella in Camembert. An importer from Kehl has sold the nationwide „Camembert Calvados 250g“ The Coopérative Isigny Sainte Mere with the best before date "25 December 2014 (Identity plate: FR 14.342.001 CE)" due to salmonella hazard recalled. Customers who bought the soft cheese should not consume it.

Salmonella in Camembert can cause severe gastrointestinal disease
The affected Camembert can be returned in the shop against reimbursement of the purchase price, informs the consumer ministry. Salmonella had been detected in a sample of the cheese. Under no circumstances should the cheese be eaten.

"The bacteria can cause gastrointestinal disease with severe diarrhea and fever, most of them appear within 48 hours of consumption and usually disappear on their own, so salmonella infection is usually harmless in healthy people." However, in infants, toddlers, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals, the symptoms may "be much more pronounced". Those affected should consult a doctor and report on the consumption of the product, advises the consumer ministry. (Ag)