Advice on health-promoting lifestyle changes are in demand!

Advice on health-promoting lifestyle changes are in demand! / Health News

Medical assistance for lifestyle change often neglected

For many health problems, even slight lifestyle changes can bring significant benefits. For example, slightly elevated blood pressure can usually be managed in this way. But sufferers are too rarely guided to a healthy change in their lifestyle at the doctor's visit, but rather supplied with medication or other measures instead.

For example, a statistical analysis of US health data has shown that people with overweight, diabetes and other risk conditions are far too rarely stopped by their attending physicians for a healthier diet and exercise, reports MedUni Vienna in a recent press release. Researchers at the MedUni Vienna had carried out the evaluation of the data together with international cooperation partners.

Important notes on lifestyle changes are often neglected at the doctor's visit. (Image: Jonas Glaubitz /

Preventive explanations too rare

Among other things, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) recorded whether patients were informed about the necessary lifestyle changes during medical treatment. The medical advice plays an important role when it comes to initiating a healthier lifestyle. The statistical analysis by the research group around Igor Grabovac of the MedUni Vienna showed, however, that there are hardly any preventive explanations for normal weight and healthy people in a doctor's visit and even in high risk groups such as people with obesity, diabetes or hypertension are too infrequent medical advice too a healthier lifestyle.

Even high-risk groups are not advised

Only 56 percent of the most at-risk individuals with a combination of obesity and diabetes reported medical requests to change their lives. Among those who are healthy but overweight, only 20 percent received such calls, although they should urgently address the development of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Opportunities are not exhausted

"Health care in the US makes an important option for prevention largely unexploitable"; summed up Igor Grabovac and it can be assumed that it does not look much better in this country either. For Austria, there are currently no comparable statistical surveys, so conclusions about a similar situation are difficult, the study director continues. However, work is currently underway to also soon to produce own surveys on the situation in Austria's health outpatient departments. (Fp)