Advice for improved motivation for a healthy life

Advice for improved motivation for a healthy life / Health News
Motivation biggest obstacle on the way to a healthy life
Motivation is the key to success. This is also true in terms of health. Lack of motivation, according to a study of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) the biggest obstacle on the way to a sportier and therefore healthier life. The same applies to healthy nutrition, according to the TK. "Almost every second person has ever tried to switch to healthier food, but more than one in three failed," reports the Techniker Krankenkasse. In its current press release, TK therefore gives tips on how to sustainably increase motivation.

According to the TK, lack of motivation is the biggest hurdle on the way to a healthier life. When it comes to health, the motives are very diverse. While men's main focus is on the performance of their bodies, "women want to feel comfortable in their bodies and fit in their favorite jeans," according to the health insurance company. A motion study TK had shown that two-thirds of women, but only half of men, named health as the main reason for their athletic activities. "The most frequently cited obstacle to a more athletic life is the same for both genders: every second person lacks motivation," reports the TK.

Motivation is the key to success on the path to a healthier life. Even in old age, the change in diet and the absorption of physical activity can still have a very positive effect. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

Health insurance companies rely on motivation
The health insurance companies have now recognized that the range of health courses such as yoga, Whole nutrition or walking alone is not enough to inspire people for a healthier lifestyle, according to the TK. Therefore, the health insurance today increasingly dedicated to the topic of motivation. Tips, for example, offers the free TC training package "highly motivated", consisting of information booklet, training book and DVD. In addition, the TK offers an "online MotivationsCoach".

Self-motivation important condition
"A large part of today's civilization diseases such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes or back pain can be avoided with a healthier lifestyle," emphasizes Dr. med. Sabine Voermans, Head of Prevention at TK. While most people are aware of this, they still would not change their lifestyle because of the lack of motivation. "Self-motivation is the most important prerequisite for long-term and above all sustainable change - no matter what lifestyle change is involved," continues Voermans.

Define attainable goals
Even if there is sufficient motivation, some people find it "difficult to put what they have done into practice," continues the head of TC prevention. According to Voermans, the victims do not lack the motives, but lack "willpower, the so-called volition." However, according to the expert, both motivation and volition can be learned and trained. For this purpose, it is fundamentally "important first of all to define one's achievable and, above all, one's own goals," says Voermans. Those who only fulfill the expectations of others, will be less successful.

Personal coach for support
The TK expert recommends setting individual goals that suit your own interests. People who do not like walking will probably not become joggers in cold and dark autumn and winter. Maybe badminton with friends would be an alternative. Also, those affected should set milestones, especially if the long-term goal is still far away, continues Voermans. The training achievements could be documented and shared with corresponding smartphone apps. Now and then were also "Joker days" allowed, where the training is cut or eaten at will. Because the more you forbid, the more stressful is the perseverance. According to the expert, a personal coach is also recommended. "Anyone who can not afford this often expensive support can be helped by training groups, nutrition programs or online coaches," says the TK. (Fp)