Perplexed Doctors Girls from Texas must sneeze 12,000 times a day

Perplexed Doctors Girls from Texas must sneeze 12,000 times a day / Health News
Doctors at a loss: Young girl has been in permanent giants for 22 days
A young girl from Texas has a mysterious illness. She sneezes about 12,000 times in one day. Normally, sneezing twelve times a day is considered an excessive amount. The twelve-year-old girl sneezes twenty times in a minute alone. Doctors can not explain what causes Katelyn Thornley's constant sneezing.

The Dauerniesen started last September and has not stopped until today. Katelyn Thornley said her complaints started in "small bouts". At first, the girl thought of an allergic reaction as a trigger for sneezing. Then the sneezing was slowly getting worse day by day. Now her sneeze would last 22 days. According to "CBS News", the girl had previously visited six doctors. None of the doctors could determine the reason for their condition.

Massive suffering: Young girl sneezes up to 12,000 times a day. Image: underdogstudios - fotolia

Dauerniesen triggers health problems
The beginning harmless sneeze meanwhile demands a heavy tribute from the little girl. The twelve-year-old complains of severe pain in the stomach and legs. She feels increasingly weak and barely able to eat, says Katelyn Thornley. Due to the illness, the child is no longer able to attend school. Katelyn has stopped playing the clarinet and can not perform other everyday activities. The Permanent Giant influences her life so strongly that her quality of life suffers greatly. The girl is no longer able to have a normal daily routine. The sneezing damages the health and social life of the student.

Only in sleep stop the sneezing
Doctors have already excluded a virus or allergy as a cause. Still, nobody can diagnose the reason for the seizures. It is still completely unclear how to stop sneezing. The sneezing stops only when the girl is sleeping. Twelve-year-old Benadryl takes before listening to music to relax. Benadryl is used to treat allergic symptoms, suppress cough and improve sleep. Katelyn Thornley told Fox News that she sometimes wishes to leave her body. So she could watch herself in her sleep and maybe find some peace. Because even in their dreams they pursue their sneeze permanently. Katelyn explained that she continues to try to think positive. You try to see the whole situation with humor. It does not matter what exactly needs to be done to stop the sneeze. She just wanted to stop it.

Neurologist explains symptoms resemble tics
Dr. Mered Parnes, a neurologist from Texas, told Fox 26 that "the symptoms are the same as tics. Tics occur in a variety of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, but are mainly known as the leading symptom of Tourette's syndrome. There are four subspecies of tics. "

Simple motor tics include, for example, uncontrolled blinking of the eyes, jerking of the head, shrugging, and grimacing. Simple vocal tics with activities such as tongue clanking, smacking, grunting and sniffing. Complex motor tics such as obsessively touching other people or objects, body twists, self-injurious behavior, and performing obscene gestures.

For example, complex vocal tics include throwing out incoherent words and short sentences, ejecting obscene words, or repeating words you've just spoken. (As)