Ratiopharm Affair Doctors convicted of fraud

Ratiopharm Affair Doctors convicted of fraud / Health News

Checks by Ratiopharm: For the first time, two doctors sentenced for fraud, infidelity and corruption. The doctors had received payments from the pharmaceutical manufacturer and in return prescribed Ratiopharm medicines to patients. Today, the verdict was pronounced at the Ulm district court.

(29.10.2010) Two physicians were convicted of fraud, infidelity and corruption. The corresponding ruling was made by the District Court of Ulm after the physicians received fourteen payments from the generic drug manufacturer Ratiopharm between 2002 and 2004, and in return prescribed their patients Ratiopharm products. Both physicians received a suspended sentence of one year on probation and must pay a fine of 20,000 euros each. The doctors appealed against the verdict.

Doctors gave Ratiopharm a competitive advantage
The two physicians of a joint practice in the Alb-Donau district regularly reported their sales to the manufacturer of the genre and received eight percent of the manufacturer's sales price for each product submitted „commission“. The 14 checks they received in return amounted to a sum of around 19,000 euros, whereby the doctors did not report the payments of their association of statutory health insurance physicians. This was one of the reasons for the current verdict of the District Court Ulm. For the responsible judge Katja Meyer stood „It is clear that you (the accused doctors) have received checks from Ratiopharm to give them a competitive advantage. "

Precedent: For the first time, physicians sentenced for corruption
With the verdict Ulm District Court entered new territory and should this become final, this would be a precedent for further possible proceedings. For the first time, doctors who do not work in a hospital or clinic were convicted for corruption, said Michael Bischofberger, spokesman for the prosecutor's office to the news magazine „The mirror“. In addition, according to the information of the „Southwest Press“ numerous further investigations against physicians and pharmaceutical representatives in comparable cases. While much of the original 3,400 cases have already been closed against fines, the current verdict could set a precedent and bring about a fundamentally new approach by judges in dealing with corrupt physicians. The two physicians concerned have filed an appeal against the current verdict, so that the case will be dealt with next at the Ulm district court.

Ultrehensive clarification required
In addition to the current hearing reports „The mirror“ in his latest issue of a lawsuit against a medical doctor for corruption, which was approved by the Hamburg district court. This case could ultimately land at the Federal Court, the statement in the news magazine, which commented the responsible Attorney General Wilhelm Möllers with the words: „We finally want a supreme justice clarification, whether doctors can be punished for corruption.“ Also on the political level, the current verdict has brought a lot of movement and so announced the Bundestag faction of the SPD, soon bring an application in Parliament, the corruption acts of established physicians to criminal offenses makes. (Fp)

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