Radon and heat against cross problems

Radon and heat against cross problems / Health News

Radon and heat let cross problems abate for months


The back - a complex structure of 24 vertebrae, more than 300 muscles and 600 tendons. Accordingly, there are numerous painful complaints of all kinds. In times of mostly sedentary activities, pain in the backbone therefore makes life more difficult for people of all ages. Often, the pain radiates even in the legs or arms, restrict the ability to move and beat permanently on the mind. Complicating matters are often sleepless nights and stomach problems as a result of constant painkillers. Because conventional therapies do not permanently eliminate the torment of many, alternative methods are becoming increasingly important. Sustainable pain relief and positive effects on mobility promises, for example, the so-called Radonwärmetherapie.

As the name implies, the successes of this treatment are based on a combination of the natural factors radon and heat. „Ingested via the skin and lungs, radon inhibits the production of inflammatory and painkillers and stimulates the body's own repair mechanisms“, explains Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. However, the full health benefit of the noble gas unfolds only in conjunction with heat and high humidity, which put the body in a slightly overheated state and make especially receptive to the radon. Last but not least, the beneficial effects of heat that have been known for a long time come into play: they dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation. As a result, the muscles relax, which in turn frees the nerves from painful pressure stimuli.

„The majority of patients with chronic back problems report prolonged pain relief and significant improvement in mobility after radon therapy“, knows Dr. Hölzl from accompanying scientific studies. Therefore, many people undergo a corresponding treatment 1-2 times a year and can then forego medication for months. Every year, many thousands of people enter the healing tunnel. Because radon heat therapy is a gentle alternative to drugs that often cause serious side effects when used for long periods of time, health insurance typically covers about 90 percent of the cost of therapy. Also, patients with rheumatic complaints, other musculoskeletal, respiratory, and skin diseases benefit from the therapeutic efficacy of radon and heat on the organism. (Pm)