Radon and heat in osteoarthritis

Radon and heat in osteoarthritis / Health News

To enable movement again, main pillar of therapy


Almost every second person over the age of 35 already has signs of wear and tear on joints, and from the age of 60 it affects almost everyone. Typically, the disease is associated with exercise-related and movement-related pain, causing those affected to hardly move. However, bringing pain relief in the short term will permanently worsen the symptoms. If the affected articular cartilage is not lubricated by regular exercise, arthritis increases. Those affected move even less because of the greater pain. In order to break the vicious circle of pain, protection and aggravation, pain-relieving therapies help. However, sufferers do not necessarily have to resort to medication. Even cures, for example, with radon and heat, lead to a long-lasting pain relief.

The degenerative joint disease belongs to the so-called non-inflammatory rheumatic type, but at times also associated with local signs of inflammation. In addition, it is now proven that inflammatory processes play a role, especially in osteoarthritis. „Both on pain of the muscle, tendon and ligament approaches as well as on the inflammatory processes in the joint itself, the Radonwärmetherapie has positive effects“, commented PD Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. Alone tropical temperatures of up to 41.5 degrees combined with a high humidity in the tunnel cause loosening and increased circulation of muscles for pain relief. This effect is enhanced by the absorption of radon directly through the skin and the respiratory tract. Dr. Hölzl explains: „Radon activates in the body anti-inflammatory messengers, which in turn slow down progressive inflammatory processes.“

That this leads to a pain relief, which lasts on average about 9 months, show various scientific studies [1]. Reduce pain, makes it easier for those affected to integrate movement back into everyday life. Orthopedic surgeons and sports physicians confirm that regular and moderate physical stress prevents the disease process of osteoarthritis. „It improves stability, flexibility, coordination and better supplies damaged articular cartilage with nutrients. This often succeeds in delaying a threatening total endoprosthetic care“, concludes Dr. Hölzl. Especially suitable: sports with rhythmic and even movements. Health insurance companies often take about 90 percent of the therapy costs for cures with radon heat therapy. (Pm)