Cycling to work reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease massively

Cycling to work reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease massively / Health News
Protect the health of your heart through more activity on the way to work
Heart disease and cancer are widespread in modern times and pose a major threat to human health. Researchers have now found that daily cycling to work can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease by about half.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow found in their study that riding a bike to work can protect against cancer and heart disease. The researchers published the results of the current study in the medical journal "British Medical Journal".

An active way to work by bike protects us from the onset of cancer and heart disease. (Image: bernardbodo /

How does cycling to work affect your health??
Researchers found that cycling to work is associated with a 45 percent lower risk of developing cancer. In addition, cycling causes a 46 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to using public transport or a car, the authors explain.

Even walking to work leads to health benefits
Of course, going on foot to work brings some health benefits, but these are much lower than cycling, the experts add. However, when people walk to work a total of two hours a week, there were certainly health benefits.

Researchers are studying 264,337 subjects for their study
For their study, the scientists studied 264,337 people over a five-year period. The researchers found that going to work on foot was associated with a 27 percent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In addition, the risk of dying from these health problems was reduced by 36 percent, explain the physicians.

Cycling to work integrates more physical activity into everyday life
Cycling is a more intense form of exercise. Cyclists usually travel longer distances and are usually fitter, the authors explain. To walk the daily way to work on foot or even better by bike, is a simple and effective way to integrate more physical activity into everyday life. Other independent studies have previously shown that bicycling reduces cardiovascular risk and regular cycling can prevent type 2 diabetes.

Walking to work does not lower the risk of cancer
Going to work was associated with a lower risk of heart disease, but unlike cycling, there was no significantly lower risk of developing cancer or premature death associated with walking, says the experts.

Why cycling leads to better protection against cancer and heart disease?
One reason for the increased protective effect of cycling could be that pedestrians generally travel shorter distances than cyclists. So a pedestrian go about six miles a week, explain the scientists. Cyclists would usually travel much longer distances. Within a week, cyclists often come to about 30 miles on their commute, the researchers report. In addition, walking on foot is usually a much less demanding exercise compared to riding on the bike, the researchers add.

Employers and authorities should support active people
According to the experts, it is of utmost importance to make physical activity more accessible. Only then can the burden of inactivity be combated. Authorities and employers should support this and encourage people to ride a bike to work or walk the route, the doctors emphasize. (As)