Cycling to work can help prevent depression

Cycling to work can help prevent depression / Health News

Daily bike tours to work strengthen physical and mental health


Exercise not only benefits your physical health but also has a positive effect on your psyche. The daily cycle tour to work can thus be beneficial in two ways, reports the German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine (DGAUM) in a recent press release of the news agency „dpa“. Cycling makes you fit and can prevent depression.

DGAUM expert Andreas Tautz explained that the body breaks down stress hormones and calories while cycling. Therefore, make the daily bike ride to work „an effective way to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and the psyche.“ However, inexperienced cyclists are advised to take a certain amount of caution. A bicycle helmet is mandatory here. In addition, they should not drive in dense car traffic with some uncertainty, but instead - where possible - use separate bike paths. If you are cycling in the dark, because your work starts at an early age or ends after dark, wearing a reflective safety vest or other reflectors can increase your own safety on the road.

Bicycle should be adapted to ergonomic needs
Furthermore, according to the statement of the DGAUM expert Andreas Tautz, the choice of bicycle is decisive. „Just because I rode with 16 road bike, I should not buy one again at 50“, stresses Tautz. Here before the choice of the bicycle a detailed consultation makes sense. In addition to the roadworthiness are the „ergonomic needs“ the cyclist of particular importance, reports the expert. So should the „Handlebar and saddle height and the position of the pedals are adapted to the size of the driver“, which serves not only the comfort, but also the own safety in the traffic. In addition, it is possible to avoid possible incorrect postures and corresponding incorrect workloads. (Fp)

Picture: Andreas Hermsdorf