Radishes with fruit Spicy skewers cheer up

Radishes with fruit Spicy skewers cheer up / Health News

Radishes with fruit: Savory skewers cheer up and keep you healthy


Radishes not only taste good, they are also very healthy. Since March, the small round tubers are back in season. Whether in a salad, on a sandwich or served warm - radishes can be prepared in many variations. Useful tips are now the Federal Association of Producer Organizations Fruit and Vegetables (BVEO) in Bonn.

Radishes can be prepared in many variations
Whether white, red-white or yellow - radishes are available in many different varieties. Some rare varieties can reach a diameter of about six centimeters. They can be round, oval, conical or pyramidal. As varied as their appearance, they can also be prepared. Because radishes are not just a pleasure.

The Federal Association of Producer Organizations Fruit and Vegetables (BVEO) now points out that radishes can be combined very well with fruit. Put the apple pieces, grapes and the small tubers on a skewer and enjoy a spicy and fruity taste. In addition to salads or sandwiches, radishes can also be prepared warm, for example, as soup or in vegetable casseroles.

Radishes contain many important minerals
If radishes are stored properly in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, they remain fresh for up to three days. Before, the green leaves, which can be eaten by the way, should be removed. The BVEO advises to thoroughly wash the tubers before preparation. The leaf roots and root end should be cut.

According to BVEO, the most important healthy ingredients of radishes are potassium, calcium and iron. In addition, they contain, among others, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. (ag)

Picture: Uschi Dreiucker