Pure poison More and more experts are warning about coconut oil

Pure poison More and more experts are warning about coconut oil / Health News

Coconut oil controversy: Even other scientists say coconut oil is a health hazard!

Coconut oil is unjustly popular. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) confirms the statement of the Director of the Institute for Prevention and Tumor Epidemiology at the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Karin Michels, according to which the Superfood oil is "the pure poison".

We already reported here on the sensational statements of the Freiburg scientist, who came to the conclusion that coconut oil "is one of the worst things you can eat.". She justifies the harsh judgment that coconut oil is saturated fat. So it's just not a healthy alternative to butter and palm fat. On the contrary, it is even "more harmful than lard!"

Coconut oil is unhealthier than lard (Image: Brent Hofacker / fotolia.com)

Prof. Michels wanted to enlighten in her million-fold Youtube lecture on the subjects of nutrition and health and has triggered a huge controversy with her criticism of the popular edible oil. Because the rumor, the exotic edible oil help with weight loss, has been persisting for years.

But now confirms DGE spokeswoman Antje Gahl told the news agency dpa the statement of the professor. The increasingly popular with consumers oil contains many saturated fatty acids. These represent a health hazard that has already been confirmed by studies. According to Gahl, such oils increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, among other things. Vegetable oils such as rapeseed, soy, olive, sunflower or linseed oil with many unsaturated fatty acids are better. (Fs)