Cleaning agent does not cause child to vomit

Cleaning agent does not cause child to vomit / Health News
Imprudent action in an emergency can be life-threatening
It is the nightmare of all parents: The child gets to the cleaning or medicine cabinet and swallowed some of the toxic substances. If this actually happens, right and quick action is vital. This implies that parents should not induce vomiting in case of possible poisoning in their child. Because this can cause the toxins even more damage.

Poisoning is one of the most common types of accident in children
Whether detergents, flower fertilizers or pharmaceuticals: Poisoning is a typical emergency, especially in infants. In such a situation, quick and correct action is required to avoid severe symptoms and long-term consequences. If the child has swallowed something toxic, parents should not induce vomiting - even if it is obvious. Before warns, according to the news agency "dpa" the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations. Because of the vomiting, it is therefore possible that dangerous substances enter the respiratory tract and there can lead to greater damage than would be the case in the stomach.

If a child has swallowed toxic substances such as bath cleanser or degreaser, parents should never provoke vomiting. (Image: Africa Studio /

Call the poison center immediately
Is there a suspicion of poisoning by cleaning agents. Medication or similar Instead, parents should better call the 112 emergency response center or one of the special poison control centers. These are available for acute cases of poisoning around the clock and give parents expert advice on how to proceed. A list of the responsible poison control centers and poison information centers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Also helpful is the first aid app "poisoning accidents in children" of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), which can be downloaded for free in the respective app stores. Here parents can read a lot of important information and recommendations for action on the subject of "poisoning" and call the competent poison information center in an emergency from the app. Despite all the help, of course, the application can not replace emergency call 112 in case of emergency. (No)