Pure poison for unborn children Alcohol in pregnancy threatens severe disabilities of the baby

Pure poison for unborn children Alcohol in pregnancy threatens severe disabilities of the baby / Health News

FASD: Alcohol during pregnancy must be taboo

Most people are aware that high alcohol consumption is harmful to their health. The one or the other glass may be it already, even some pregnant women. But when expectant mothers to beer, wine and Co. grab, they also endanger the unborn baby. Health experts therefore point out that alcohol must be taboo during pregnancy.

High alcohol consumption

According to health experts, German alcohol consumption is far too high. On average, every German consumes almost 134 liters of alcoholic beverages per year. Those who often resort to beer, wine and Co. endanger his health. The one or the other glass may be it already. However, this does not apply to expectant mothers. Alcohol during pregnancy must be taboo.

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the most common reason for non-genetic disabilities in Germany. Wine, beer and Co. must therefore be taboo for expectant mothers. (Image: highwaystarz / fotolia.com)

Alcohol for pregnant women taboo

Many people still do not realize that alcohol consumption has implications for the unborn child. Even some pregnant women, the alcohol taboo is unknown.

For example, in a survey, around 18 percent of Germans considered alcohol acceptable during pregnancy.

However, many children who were exposed to alcohol in the womb later suffer secondary damage. Even a glass is dangerous, health experts warn.

Every year 10,000 newborns with alcohol-related injuries

As stated in a statement by the Federal Ministry of Health, drinking alcohol in pregnancy in Germany is the most common cause of non-genetic disability.

According to estimates, about 10,000 babies with alcohol-related injuries (so-called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are born in this country each year.

More than 1,000 children are believed to have the full picture of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a serious mental and physical disability.

Avoidable disabilities

"Alcohol during pregnancy can have serious consequences for the unborn child," said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn.

"The fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are one of the most common disabilities in Germany at birth and completely preventable," said the politician.

The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government Marlene Mortler, added: "FASD is incurable, the victims need a lifetime of help - it is easily preventable!"

And further: "The sooner everyone knows about the health risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, the better! It is good and meaningful to teach children and teenagers how dramatic the consequences are for the unborn child. "

With the project "Pregnant? Your child is drinking! Alcohol? No sip - no risk! "Is intended to deepen the knowledge of students about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. (Ad)