Puberty Billions of brain cells die

Puberty Billions of brain cells die / Health News

During puberty, billions of brain cells die to strengthen cognitive performance


Puberty, that is to say the developmental physiological course of puberty, is characterized by a hormonal change with the goal of reproductive ability in boys and girls. During this adolescence phase, billions of cells die in the brain, as revealed by a new study by the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt am Main. Only what is needed, „solidifies“, explains the researcher for neuroscience and study leader, Prof. Peter Uhlhaas, to the news journal „Focus“. The highest number of synapses people have during the late stages of childhood, said the neuroscientist on. The death of brain cells does not produce any negative effects, but actually favors the further cognitive state of development. The cells then work more structured.

Number of brain cells is significantly reduced
When childhood is over, an extraordinarily high number of nerve and brain cells is a thing of the past. While external features such as pimples or mood swings in the course of puberty, the young people to create, in the brain far-reaching conversions instead. During the adolescent peak phase between the ages of 15 and 17, communication between the different brain areas is still very chaotically structured. At the end of the maturation process, the number of brain cells has clearly been minimized, but the young adults are now far better able to better tailor their own actions and plans. The consequences of one's own actions can be better estimated in advance by the young people.

The „intensively used neural networks become stronger“ and the less used turn off, explained also Prof. Franz Resch of the Clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry of the University of Heidelberg. This process is similar to the planting of plants in the garden, according to the psychiatrist.

The brain becomes more effective
The available study results have shown that cognitive performance increases, says Uhlhaas. The axons, the cables between the nerve cells, are now thicker with an insulating layer of fat surrounding them. Similar to switching from copper to fiber optic cable, data processing becomes faster. However, until the human brain works so effectively by a teenager, it requires a developmental phase of several years.

Under the guidance of the scientist Uhlhaas, adolescents in the age group have solved different tasks during the course of their studies. They were connected to electrons and examined with a Magnetenzephalografen (MEG). One task, for example, was to recognize different faces. Afterwards the results were evaluated. (Sb)

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Image: Dieter Schütz