Problems with the thyroid gland

Problems with the thyroid gland / Health News

Over-function and under-function of the debt gland affect the mood


In winter, when slush and sleet colors the world gray, the sadness beats many people on the mood. Sometimes this causes a winter depression. If the mood persists later, it may be due to a disturbance of the thyroid function. An underactive or overactive thyroid affects the metabolism and the hormonal balance. In the magazine „New pharmacies Illustrated“ (Issue 1 February 2015) explain to experts, which can show symptoms.

Over- and under-function of the thyroid gland
In a hypofunction of the thyroid, the cause may be, for example, iodine deficiency or inflammation. Sufferers often suffer from general weakness and lack of energy, tiredness, difficulty concentrating and depressed mood. In addition, physical symptoms such as hair loss, dull-looking hair, brittle nails, dry and rough skin and sensitivity to cold. Low blood pressure, circulatory problems, a hoarse voice, weight gain without increased calorie intake, constipation and reduced sexual desire.

An overactive thyroid is due in about 95 percent of cases to the so-called Graves' disease. The thyroid produces uncontrolled hormones and releases them. In rare cases, even thyroiditis can lead to hyperfunction. Hormone-producing tumors are even less common cause. Overactive thyroid gland usually manifests itself in increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, nervousness, sleep disorders, increased sweating, hair loss, fatigue, and mood swings that range to aggressiveness.

Depending on the cause of a subfunction is usually treated with tablets, which should compensate for the shortage of thyroid hormones. In the case of iodine deficiency, additional iodine can be taken. On the other hand, hyperfunctioning drugs are often used to inhibit the production of thyroid hormones, so-called antithyroid drugs. After the normalization of the hormone concentration measured in the blood radioiodine therapy or surgery come into question. (Ag)