Troubleshooting? Controversial sale of children's dolls for pedophiles

Troubleshooting? Controversial sale of children's dolls for pedophiles / Health News

Company sells baby dolls for pedophiles: offenders could be animated
According to estimates, there are around a quarter of a million men with pedophilia in Germany alone. There are many millions worldwide. Among experts is disputed how best to deal with the problem. A Japanese businessman says he helps solve the problem by selling puppets for pedophiles.
Quarter million Germans with pedophilia
Estimates suggest that about 250,000 Germans have pedophilia. However, not every pedophile child abuses and not all sex offenders are pedophile. The World Health Organization (WHO) International Pediatric Disease and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) classifies pedophilia as a "sexual preference disorder". Doctors speak of a mental disorder when the urge for a sexual relationship with children is permanent and the pedophile is at least 16 years old. A pedophile propensity exists according to the current state of research for a lifetime and is not curable. Among experts it is disputed how best to deal with the problem.

Controversial project. Image: sevulya - fotolia

Behavioral therapies for those affected
Especially in Western countries there are prevention programs and behavioral therapies in which sufferers should learn, among other things, to recognize and avoid situations in which they could even be dangerous for children. In addition, the so-called "chemical castration" is often used, in which drugs suppress the sexual drive. A Japanese entrepreneur denies a completely different approach. As the Swiss Internet portal "" reports, his company manufactures puppets for pedophiles. The company founder - a pedophile, according to information - is convinced that doing good with it.

Dolls sold to pedophiles worldwide
"The dolls are an outlet for those who like me are attracted to children," said Shin Takagi, according to the Internet portal. "My company helps these people live their fetish in a legal and ethical way. Life is not worth living if you constantly have to suppress your needs. "He was convinced that his dolls would protect children from abuse. "Customers thank us because they will not offend." According to the information Takagi sends his "creations" in the world. According to his own statement, his clients included people from all walks of life, from craftsmen to doctors and even showbiz greats.

Two types of pedophiles
As "" writes, psychologists disagree as to whether the dolls can actually prevent pedophiles from projecting their fantasies on real children. There is no dissent, however, that even dolls do not change the sexual orientation of pedophiles towards children. The Canadian sexologist and psychologist Michael Chikong Seto told the American magazine "The Atlantic" that there are two types of pedophiles: One type would be enough for the puppets to satisfy their sexual fantasies. The other type, however, according to the experts, "rather excited by this type of replacement." (Ad)